Thursday, 8 November 2012


Major Republican Donors Face Billion Dollar Bust

Major Republican Donors Face Billion Dollar Bust

Commented Nov 8, 2012 at 02:38:53 in Politics

My first reactions was: $2 billion for a single election, what a waste. Think what that money could do if it were spent on something important.

On reflection, I took a market perspective: $1 billion spent on each campaign means that the buyers think it is worth that amount of money to have their guy win.    Seen that way, it is a rational investment: the $1 billion will come back 10-fold and more in tax money spent on the donors' favorite causes, whether that be tax cuts or increased federal funding. Best democracy money can buy.
Donald Trump Has Twitter Meltdown Over President Obama Victory (PICTURES)

Donald Trump Has Twitter Meltdown Over President Obama Victory (PICTURES)

Commented Nov 7, 2012 at 04:29:31 in UK Politics

If he were a patriotic American, he would support whoever was elected president of the United States. Only commie-pinko running-dog lackeys question the results of an American election.
Why the US Presidential Election Result Will Upset You - Whoever Wins

Why the US Presidential Election Result Will Upset You - Whoever Wins

Commented Nov 6, 2012 at 20:11:22 in UK Politics

And all of the campaign managers know this research well. They KNOW that negative campaigns damage and diminish America, but they just flat do not care how much damage they do to our country if it will improve their chance of their guy being elected.
US Election 2012: Ten Things That Won't Change No Matter Who Wins Tonight

US Election 2012: Ten Things That Won't Change No Matter Who Wins Tonight

Commented Nov 6, 2012 at 20:04:37 in UK Politics

Think of it as professional wrestling: no matter who wins, most of the money ends up in the same pockets.
US Election 2012: Is America Ready For First Mormon President?

US Election 2012: Is America Ready For First Mormon President?

Commented Nov 6, 2012 at 11:09:02 in UK Politics

Who cares what superstitions he holds? If he were a Pastafarian (Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster), maybe we would worry. But his belief structure as a Mormon is no stranger than those of christians, jews, muslims, hindi or any other mainstream superstition
Nadine Dorries Slammed For Decision To Appear On I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!

Nadine Dorries Slammed For Decision To Appear On I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!

Commented Nov 6, 2012 at 10:57:50 in UK Politics

“No! MPs should not be allowed to do things that other normal people do. They should not text with friends, lest those friends later be found guilty of something criminal or embarassing; they should not appear in reality shows, lest they expose themselves as just as selfish and silly as the rest of us; they should not pretend to be celebrities, lest we think them proud of getting elected. They should hunker down in their constituency office and in parliament and keep their mouths shut, lest we wonder why we elected them. How dare they not realise that, once elected, they should have no other life at all.
Obama, Romney Make Final Push For Votes On Day Before Election

Obama, Romney Make Final Push For Votes On Day Before Election

Commented Nov 5, 2012 at 17:30:00 in Politics

“I have yet to see a single roving reporter ask a potential - whether network, cable, Huffpo or Fox - ask a potential elector: "As a patriotic American, will you support WHOEVER is elected the President of the United States on Nov 6th?"

All media outlets seem more eager to fan the flames of conflict
Polls 2012: Barack Obama Leads Mitt Romney With One Day Remaining

Polls 2012: Barack Obama Leads Mitt Romney With One Day Remaining

Commented Nov 5, 2012 at 11:02:12 in Politics

“The problem with reading Huffpo and Fox is that one never knows how much is straight reporting and how much is wishful thinking.
Race to the Bottom

Race to the Bottom

Commented Nov 5, 2012 at 04:11:46 in Politics

“Where did they go? They were deliberately buried by the political pundits on both sides who know that negative attacks damage American by increasing anger, anomie and apathy - but as long as it helps win an election for their side, they do not care how much damage they do to our country.
Rupert Murdoch: Chris Christie Must 'Re-Declare' For Mitt Romney 'Or Take Blame'

Rupert Murdoch: Chris Christie Must 'Re-Declare' For Mitt Romney 'Or Take Blame'

Commented Nov 3, 2012 at 03:34:56 in Media

Better listen Christie, otherwise he'll have your telephones hacked
Denis MacShane Quits As MP Over 'Serious' Expenses Abuses

Denis MacShane Quits As MP Over 'Serious' Expenses Abuses

Commented Nov 2, 2012 at 13:25:11 in UK Politics

"MacShane's resignation will trigger a by-election in his South Yorkshire seat, which he won in 2010 with 44% of the vote"

Well, as less than half of the constituency wanted him, they probably won't miss him much.
Maths Actually Does Hurt Your Brain, University Of Chicago Scientists Find

Maths Actually Does Hurt Your Brain, University Of Chicago Scientists Find

Commented Nov 2, 2012 at 07:17:30 in UK Universities & Education

True (though the sample size is pretty small) and exercise makes your muscles hurt.  In both cases, the more one does it, the less it hurts as strength develops.
GCSE English Row: Ofqual Claims Exam System Being Abused By Teachers 'Under Pressure'

GCSE English Row: Ofqual Claims Exam System Being Abused By Teachers 'Under Pressure'

Commented Nov 2, 2012 at 06:09:09 in UK Universities & Education

"The majority of controlled assessment work was submitted in the summer, and examiners saw evidence of over-marking. As a result, grade boundaries were raised to take account of this, and led to some students getting lower grades than expected."

So because teachers cheated on their marking, the examiners counter-cheated?

PS: I would certainly hope any school that cannot get 40% of its students up to Average would be considered as failing. Such a school would certainly be failing in its duty to its students, and hence failing our society


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