Wednesday, 13 June 2012
While I abhor threats and brutality, on the internet or anywhere else, I do find this author's self-pity - along with her attempt to ride on the coat-tails of a larger celebrity with whom she disagrees - just the slightest bit self-promotingly tacky.
Hasn't happened yet, but we want our legacy now!
What does legacy mean?
He doesn't know, but he still wants it.
Welcome to the world of backward Muslim men. When are the enlightened Muslims going to straighten out these mohareb anachronsims?
So the company is providing security to Jewish people. Is that wrong?
A company owns a house. The renter of the house dies. Should the company pay 40% of the value of the house to the government in death duties? Why?
# posted by Had It in Holland Park @ 01:23

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