Thursday, 10 May 2012
We love alternative energy, as long as it makes money to pay for bigger government
I like your argument: when Dumbocrats are in power job creation suffers and when Retroblicans are in power, the fear of Dumbocrats getting power back makes job creation suffer. In short, job creation always suffers and it is always the other guy's fault. When does job creation take off? Dunno - but when it does it will be because our guys are in or about to get in.
I think the church should be able to decide who the students at a university can listen to - regardless of the student's religion. If two Muslim groups asked the university to stop a Christian speaker because her views disagreed with Islam, no one would object, would they?
Once the dust dies down, they are planning to open a faith-based used car lot - taking in donated cars and selling them on to the indigent for the cost of fixing them up.
We don't actually want to change, just give us some more of your money and shut up.
Cut them quick! Everyone knows that parenthood should have nothing to do with planning: accidents are always better than on-purpose when it comes to kids.
Well Boris is pretty dismal, but certainly the least-worst of the two.
Gosh. A big donor made an ambassador: No president has EVER done that before, right?
Yeah, I can see how deliberately damaging the intelligence network of the United States of America in order to get revenge against the husband of one of our spies is the same thing as a couple of cops visiting a strip club or hooking up with a pro.
The mohareb scum should have been tried in New York City, but the yellow-bellies in congress wouldn't allow it.
# posted by Had It in Holland Park @ 08:19

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