Friday, 13 April 2012
- Some find Mr Staver's prayers offensive.
Does any serious christian think that people who have abortions do not need prayers? If so, they are hypocrites.
- on Obama paid lower tax rate than secretary 53 minutes agoNice one! Now we know why the Buffet Rule limit is $1 million."The Obamas' rate is less than the 30 percent the president wants millionaires to pay under his proposed Buffett Rule." It's actually not millionaires, but multi-millionaires - people who ear $1million per year.
- Go Mitt Romneycare!
- It's not just education that America is bad at compared to the rest of the developed world: the US is now ranks as mediocre in health care, in social mobility and a host of other measures. American exceptionalism now means exceptionally ordinary also-ran. Sadly, this is not just down to Obummer, We have been falling slowly behind for the past 30 years.
- on How the Supergrid could help keep the lights on 12 hours agoHope the Icelandic electricity is more reliable than their banks.
- on Obama renews call for 'Buffett rule' to tax wealthiest 2 days agoWhy not raise the tax on capital gains and other unearned income and lower the tax on earned income until the two meet. That would be a fairer way accomplish the objective: the maximum number of people being equal contributors to the funding of their government.
- How to save a conservative from drowning: give the lifeline to the rich and tell him to wait for it to trickle down. Oh. We already did that? Sorry. Never mind.
- "...a report released Tuesday by a former Bush administration official and leading conservative economist"
Now there is an unbiased source.
- on Feldheim: A hamlet swept by the winds of change 2 days agoIf they are really nuclear-free, there are going to be a lot of medical emigrants
# posted by Had It in Holland Park @ 15:26

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