Tuesday 6 March 2012


Tyrannical attack on religious freedom

Have you heard the latest?

The current US administration supports laws that make it illegal for religious institutions to follow their religious beliefs, including the 10 commandments - revered by Christians, Jews and Muslims alike.     Amazingly, these laws were also supported by the previous administration!

The administration supports laws that make it illegal for religious institutions (including hospitals and universities) to discriminate against Buddhist, Cao Dai, Cheondoist, Hindu, Jain, Mithraist, Pagan, Shinto, Sikh, and Zoroastrian students, patients, professors, doctors, nurses or janitors, despite the 1st commandment.

The administration supports laws that make it illegal for religious institutions to discriminate against anyone who has ever said “God damn it” or “Jesus H Christ on a motorcycle”, even though this behaviour clearly violates the 3rd commandment. They support laws that make it illegal for religious institutions to discriminate against people who work on Sunday, or diss their parents despite the 4th and 5th commandments.  Religious universities and hospitals are also forbidden to deny service to people on the grounds that they once told a fib about their neighbour or envied someone else, despite the 9th and 10th commandments.

The administration even supports laws that make it illegal for religious institutions to stone adulterers to death!

When will this war on religion end?


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