Friday, 16 September 2011
- on Anger at Coalition's plan to limit right to legal aid 1 hour agoThis is just plain wrong. Rich people who are arrested, including professional criminals and mafiosi, should be free given legal advice at the taxpayers expense. It's only fair.
- Professional gamblers have their ups and their downs - and sometimes professional gamblers can forget when to stop trying to bet their way out of a hole. This is not a system problem, it is an oversight and control problem within a bank.
Of course, if other banks have the same incompetently lax oversight, then I am wrong: it is a system problem
- Just make everyone above him in the chain of command pay back their bonuses: 1.3 billion covered, problem solved
- If they can pressurise for a slow down, why can't they just stoperise the most destructive policies. Don't you thinkerise that stoperising would be better than slowerising?
- Yeah, Clegg! We want the NHS to remain completely unchanged forever and we want it to give us more services without costing more money. So just do it.
- on Countdown to Mars begins with rocket plan 22 hours agoJust imagine if Ferdinand and Isabella could have sent robots to the new world, instead of Columbus The goal of "Mars" is a symbol to justify the costs. The real goal is to learn how to do things and, to learn how to do things such as extended missions in space, we have to actually do them. Also remember: Columbus was not trying to find the new world.
- on UN team to visit traveller site ahead of eviction yesterdayWould he say the same thing if it were a company that built an illegal trailer park without planning permission?
- Yeah! Whenever there are new stats that the media will grill someone over - attempting to apportion some blame to the government, no matter which direction the numbers are going - it is outrageous to give ministers 24-hours to read them and prepare a response. We would much rather they have no time for either: then we can pillory them for being unprepared or, better yet, get an off-the-cuff gaffe to trumpet around town. We can sell lots more soap flakes that way.
# posted by Had It in Holland Park @ 00:15

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