Thursday, 28 July 2011
- on House GOP Sets Vote on Revamped Debt-Limit Bill just now"The Dow Jones industrial average dropped almost 200 points Wednesday, on top of a 92-point drop the day before." Thanks Congress!
- What Americans really want:
1) Both sides of congress to stop playing with the full faith and credit of the United States for short-term political gain.
2) Massive cuts in government spending, including defense
3) Massive cuts in corporate welfare (subsidies, deductions, tax credits, allowances, etc)
4) Eliminate all income-tax deductions, allowances and credits of any kind - & lower the tax rate accordingly.
5) All levels of income to pay some tax, even if the percentage paid by the poor is very, very small
- "the Chinese (and much of the rest of the world) see the U.S. as an irresponsible country that owes a lot of money and is now threatening to not pay it back."
Is that really what Americans want - to be known as deadbeats?
- on Does a Cross Belong at the 9/11 Memorial Site? 1 hour agoOnly if all of the faiths of the victims that died there also get a religious symbol, including Muslims
- 1) Debates on 13-week schedule shows this for what it is: an electioneering campaign that ignores the needs of the American economy and its people. Both sides of the aisle are jeopardizing the full faith and credit of the United States for short-term political gain.
2) Running the economy in 13-week increments is the kind of short-termism that caused the financial crisis. Sound like the bad old days of France or Italy with four governments per year - like a banana republic.
- What an idiot. Doesn't he realize that prayers are supposed to be pseudo-serious, humorless, sanctimonious, droning drivel? How dare he include anything human, anything joyful, anything funny?
If God had wanted preachers to be funny, He wouldn't make them wear their collars backwards.
# posted by Had It in Holland Park @ 02:03

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