Friday, 10 June 2011
- Government high-street banks, great idea!
And a chain of government department stores: we could call it "government unified merchandising" or GUM.
And a government automobile company called "Terribly Reliable Autos - Best Investment) or TRABI
I wonder why no one ever thought of this before?
- I think the changes were done by "Anonymous" - they are notorious for putting their own spin on things.
- Oh yes. Not giving folks a big pot of tax money is surely the same a crippling them. "Our schools, businesses and housing estates could become mini-power stations so we all play our part in the green energy revolution."But only if someone else pays for it, because we certainly wont.
- Ah, well, if the ALLEGATIONS are serious, then of course he should be suspended. Now who else can we make allegations about?
- Ah, Phillip, you can always be counted on to tell the truth, even if it is un-PC.
- One nice thing about wearing the fairly ridiculous title of "prince consort," is that when he tells the truth, he can't be hounded from office. Best the meedja can do is portray the truth as a "gaffe."
Johann's vitriol does seem excessive, though, and hardly justified by the fact that his neighbour, who didn't marry the queen, got a bit less for his war-time service. I put it down to the reverse-snobbery that now seems so common amongst the chattering classes. What, in Oz, they call the tall-poppy syndrome.
- Not only Gadaffi, try anyone that we don't like in the region he controls.Now as to the rebels murdering hundreds of blacks because they were, well, black. Oh, folks don't seem to think that this is really a war crime or a crime against humanity - it was done by our side, not theirs, and our side is always right.

NASA Voyager Craft Discover Magnetic 'Bubbles' At Solar System's Edge
Commented Jun 10, 2011 at 17:20:22 in Technology
"They have to sort of manage to get across all these bubbles."
Not get across, not manage to get across, but sort-of manage to get across. Gosh technical specialist s are so precise, aren't they?.
Not get across, not manage to get across, but sort-of manage to get across. Gosh technical specialist

Obama, Boehner Golf Game Joined By Joe Biden, John Kasich
Commented Jun 10, 2011 at 17:15:01 in Politics
“What are the stakes?" Your future and that of your grandchild ren

Well no wonder the stock market is dropping like a stone.
Thanks Tea Party, thanks Republicans.
Thanks Tea Party, thanks Republicans.
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
- on Archbishop: no one voted for Coalition reforms 59 minutes agoNo one voted for the Archbishop of Canterbury either.
- Well, of course he is guilty of violent disorder - hundreds of people saw him assault that police baton with his head.
- on Secret cyber-warriors: our war on Whitehall 1 hour agoI do like a good hypocrite: Anonymous believes in transparency for everyone except themselves.
- on Julie Burchill: The unbearable smugness of Sandi 1 hour ago"... a vile reminder of class privilege that no actual Briton would dare pull these days."
Yeah, Julie, issa good ting we go: rid a tha: privilege of speakin so as wha: ovvers cood unnerstan us, innit?
- Yes. Because Obamacare prohibits them from discriminating amongst their workers (e.g. giving their executives better medical cover than they give their workers on an hourly wage). This is seen as onerous, since when an hourly-wage work gets sick or dies it costs the company much less than when an executive does and executives will not put up with ward care.
The best way around this is for companies to adopt the congressional system and say: we will pay X% (say, 66% or 70%, for example) of the premium on whatever healthcare insurance that you choose from the following list. Set and selected correctly, the company keeps their costs the same or less
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Rep. Peter King Announces Second Round Of Muslim Radicalization Hearings (VIDEO)
Commented Jun 10, 2011 at 17:24:29 in Religion
And, as we are 30 times more likely to be killed by our own doctor or hospital, than to be killed by a Muslim terrorist, I would like to look into the loyalty of doctors and hospitals.