Sunday, 29 May 2011
- Legalise it all, including tobacco.
The state has no business telling me how I may or may not kill myself.
Think of it as evolution in action.
- on 'Spy cameras' are used to target student protesters 1 hour agoOh no! CCTV cameras actually used to catch people who commit crimes ? Who would have thought of that when they put those cameras in?
Next thing you know they will be saying that publishing libel on twitter is just as bad as publishing it in a newspaper.
We have to stop this trend. Soon their won't be any place left to cause physical, psychological or economic damage with impunity.
- on Lecturers back students' right to wear the burkha 1 hour agoIn our secular, gender-equal culture, the only people who wear masks are thieves and people requiring medical protection.
Wearing a Burqha is the height of cultural insensitivity - the equivalent of a woman with bare head, bare shoulders and bare legs walking into the men's entrance of a mosque. It shows either pig-ignorance or a deliberate attempt to insult. Who are these women, so high and mighty that the rest of us peons dare not look upon their faces? A cat may look at a king.
- on UK trained Bahraini army officers even after crackdown began 2 hours agoWhat? How dare they? Honor a contract with a country that our media has called brutal? Once the media decided that Bahrain is brutal, all of their citizens should have been deported immediately.
- on Was my son's death in Afghanistan a price worth paying? 2 hours agoYes, it was. Thank you, Sam.
- on Ninety gaffes in ninety years yesterdayWell, they are funny. But most are not gaffes - except in the modern sense that it is a gaffe for a public figure to ever speak the truth.
# posted by Had It in Holland Park @ 21:54

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