Thursday, 28 April 2011
- Gosh, This guy is so proud that he got a state to bend its laws so they could release a copy of a document that adds nothing to another document they released a few years ago. If that is all he has to occupy his mind, I feel sorry for him. If 20% of republican voters like him, I feel sorry for us.
- True. It is not nice to snigger at the intellectually disabled. It may even be politically incorrect.
- on America's Third War: Is the U.S. Arming Mexican Cartels? 1 hour agoYes, the Bush government sold a lot of military weapons to Latin America, knowing that corrupt regimes would pass some on the the drug cartels, and I don't see much change under Obama.
It is unfair for the government to compete directly with tax-paying American gun stores who have had their market share cut.
- on Police accused over 'royal wedding' squat raids 1 hour agoHow dare the police arrest thieves when a wedding is due to happen?
What were they thinking?
- 1) Big government interfering in people lives: e.g. pregancy, marriage, etc.
2) People arguing for tax cuts in time of war - seems unpatriotic.
3) Corporate welfare, from the Bush bank bailouts to agricultural and oil industry subsidies.
- on Nato air strike 'kills 12 rebels' 1 hour agoGiven the mandate, rebels who endanger civilians should fear NATO as much as Gadaffi's troops.
- on Ruling on stem-cell patents may spell end of research in Europe 13 hours agoAbsolutely: if I discover one of your genes, I should be able to patent it and you should have to pay me royalties if you want to use it to cure yourself.
- on Lawyers called to clarify rules of conflict in Libya 13 hours agoOh great, first the Americans cannot run a presidential election without going to court three times, now we need to litigate every order that is given in a war?
# posted by Had It in Holland Park @ 07:56

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