Thursday, 24 February 2011
- on Call for at least 1 in 4 women in boardroom 2 hours agoThis should be particularly important in banks. It is hard to see how even token-female board members could stuff things up any worse than did their male colleagues, allegedly appointed on merit..
- on British Gas reveals record �742m profit 2 hours agoSomehow the last sentence does not jibe with the headline: Record profits for the year, but profits decline badly in the second half. So, avoiding the Mr Grierson's agenda for this piece, I looked to the bottom line. For every pound's worth of gas that the owners of BG sold us, they got to keep 4 pence. Seems fair. Would you work or invest your money for less?
- on Wisconsin's 'war on workers' spreads to other states 3 hours agoRepublicans need to stir come controversy and kill some jobs to prevent the recovery from kicking in before the 2012 elections. That their tactics to win elections will hurt their fellow Americans bothers them no more than the Democrats are bothered by spending the country into poverty in pursuit of votes.
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
- on Lender fined over mortgage failings yesterdayToo right, Banks should be punished for the stupidity of their customers!
We should make lending to dummies as difficult as possible. If a bank wants to take a risk on an idiot, it should be required to cover itself by explaining the obvious to the dunce and getting initials on the explanation.
They should not be allowed to issue credit cards to these folks without getting an essay, in the recipient's own handwriting, on what will happened when their credit-card debt matches their annual income.
- on Study links brain and white-collar crime yesterdayThe best and the brightest turn to white-collar crime, whether as hackers or at RBS, UBS or Goldman Sachs.
- on Jacqui Smith opens up about porn scandal yesterday" her expenses were scrutinised more because she is a woman"
An odd way to play the victim card: 'I only got caught because of gender discrimination. Had I been a man, I could have gotten off undetected whilst committing twice the offenses.'
- on New advice issued on inter-racial adoption yesterdayEducation Secretary Michael Gove said some of the limitations put on adopters in the past - based on ethnicity, sexual orientation and faith - was "social engineering of the worst kind".
Worse than that, it was state-sponsored racism of the worst kind.
- on Liverpool Hope University declines maximum fees yesterdayEvery time the Independent covers these fees, I ask what percentage of the cost of instruction they represent. Yet the stories never tell us. Is the Independent trying to hide something or are their reporters just to lazy to bother to find out?

Top Obama Economic Aide: Social Security Reform Not A Part Of Discussion On Fiscal Future
Commented Feb 23, 2011 at 10:45:11 in Politics
“You folks just don't get it. The government has been robbing the social security fund for years by paying a derisory level of interest and it does NOT want to have to pay any of these excess profits back.

NYC Smoking Ban Signed Into Law By Mayor Bloomberg
Commented Feb 23, 2011 at 10:38:58 in New York
Good to see NYC jumping on an easy bandwagon. Now if they are really serious about saving lives and improving health, they will ban fizzy sugared drinks, cakes and candy. Instead of the three or four lives per year that this law will save, NYC could be saving 30,000.

Iran's Green Movement Lie
Commented Feb 21, 2011 at 14:45:42 in World
The Ayatollahs have learned - from the Shah, from the Ukraine, and now from Tunisia and Egypt, that milder forms of oppression can lead to successful revolution . They know that they can never take the boot off the necks of the Iranian people or they will go they way of the Pahlavis.

The Coming Shutdowns and Showdowns: What's Really at Stake
Commented Feb 21, 2011 at 14:39:00 in Politics
“Partly true, Bob. You forgot to mention that the job-killin g cuts are crucial for Republican s, to ensure that the economy does not recover until after the 2012 elections.
Monday, 21 February 2011
- on US science chief warns: 'China will eat our lunch' 25 minutes agoChina is already eating our lunch, we just don't know it yet.
Same thing happened to Europe, as America rose to pre-eminence.
- on 250,000 may be killed by alcohol, warn doctors 28 minutes agoAbout 1/10th of those lost to fizzy sugared drinks.
- "Half of the UK's female managers also think the law should be changed to make companies ensure that a minimum proportion of seats on their boards are filled by women..."
Absolutely, there should also be minimum proportions for every creed, ethnic group and sexual preference resident in the UK. Can't think of a better way to get the best to serve on boards.
- on Gaddafi regime: We will fight to the end 37 minutes agoWhen a dictator says he is willing to fight his people to "the last man" it usually means the last of the people, not the last of the dictators.
- on What Wandsworth reveals about the Big Society 38 minutes agoPeople who want a service that they are willing neither to pay for nor run with their own volunteer time should not be surprised if that service is dropped.
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Commented Feb 24, 2011 at 06:22:19 in Politics