Saturday, 29 January 2011
Journalists have themselves to blame for the decline of trust: which papers have run their own investigative pieces on phone hacking or other seedy tactics at other papers? Which papers that commonly run stories about the sexual peccadillos of politicians, movie, music and sports stars have also run stories about sexual antics of editors and/or reporters?
- on Western hypocrisy towards the Arab world stands exposed 1 hour agoWell, the position of the "west" is hypocritical whichever side one stands on. The author of this piece obviously thinks the west should have intervened somehow, even if only verbally, but also thinks that nations should self-determine their own system. He thinks that we should have done something about repressive regimes, but not intervened in Iraq.
Once these "revolutions" have reached their conclusion, it will be interesting to see if they take up the ethnic cleansing that has become so common, and so unremarked, in many "democratic" Muslim states.
- on Errors 1 hour agoMr Kenny is, you know, trying to stand in the way of, you know, the living nature of, you know, language. He's, like, so 20th century.
- on Blair feared Cabinet leaks over Iraq, Chilcot told 2 hours agoYou reckon? So Churchill and Eisenhower must have had an idea that D-Day was somehow wrong, or they would have allowed that planning to leak to the public?
- Let's see. I make $100,000 a year and I spend $110,000 a year including paying the interest on my $40,000 debt. I wonder how long I can keep this up?
- on We'll fight the wind farms off the D-Day beaches... 2 hours agoYes, we all want green energy, as long as it is produced somewhere else. If there is any chance it may obstruct our view in the slightest way, we'd rather have global warming, thanks.
- on Gadgets: Rage against the machine yesterdayRage generally has three sources:observing the commission of a moral wrong, being cheated or feeling helpless. At one time or another, most of our gadgets are guilty of the second two.
# posted by Had It in Holland Park @ 08:05

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