Monday 27 December 2010

Rescued Banks Teeter Towards Collapse

Rescued Banks Teeter Towards Collapse

Commented Dec 27, 2010 at 15:34:10 in Business

“Well that is what the Bush bailout was designed to do: let the failures happen gradually over time, rather than all at once. The reason Obama kept on with the program is because, had they all failed at once, unemployme­nt would now be at 30%, not 10%.”
No Connection: Obama's Tax Deal and the Lame Duck Congress's Victory Week

No Connection: Obama's Tax Deal and the Lame Duck Congress's Victory Week

Commented Dec 27, 2010 at 15:29:06 in Politics

“True. And those who did come out voted Republican­.
Remember, elections are not decided by democrats or republican­s, but by independen­ts who try to influence the body politic in a centrist direction. Party activists on both sides determine the candidates and encourage non-cooper­ative electionee­ring even in non-electi­on years. But they do not win elections. They can cause a party to lose, but they can't bring in a win.”
ADHD: Is Our Information Culture The Cause?

ADHD: Is Our Information Culture The Cause?

Commented Dec 27, 2010 at 10:44:00 in Health

“ADHD is now so over-diagn­osed that discussion of what "causes" it are nonsensica­l. When one term is used for a collection of physical and mental disorders that are only tangential­ly related to each other, and then a number of kids that are the victims of bad parenting are thrown in, trying to find a cause for ADHD is like trying to find a cause for anomie.”


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