Monday, 29 November 2010
While not opposed to the anti-fast-food and anti-obese sentiments of this article, I could find nothing in it that remotely justifies the headline. Which health advisor is promoting fast food? Or is the suggestion that because a fast-food company is included in a group examining the effect of fast-food, they automatically become health advisors?
"If four out of five mainstream state schools failed, there would be an outcry." Hey, Four out of five UK state schools do fail.
PS: I don't see the UK teachers unions accepting longer days and longer school years.
Yeah, but like the deficit, that's the kids' problem.
Just keep spending and let them figure it out.
The main problem with releasing these memoranda is that the authors told the truth and we all know that telling the truth is this century's worst crime in politics. We certainly will never vote for anyone who does.
# posted by Had It in Holland Park @ 13:40

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