Friday, 22 October 2010
on Dr Kelly post-mortem files to be released
- Oh don't try to confuse us with facts, our minds are already made up: we have decided that this was a conspiracy and no amount of truth will ever convince us otherwise.
- Under fire for obeying the law?
The congress people who wrote these laws might be a legitimate target, but it seems churlish in the extreme to criticise a company for doing what each of us would do: use every deduction the tax law allows.
- on Hardliners call for deaths of Surrey Muslims Using the term "Wajib-ul Qatal" is a hate-crime and should be punished as such. Death to anyone who calls for the death of anyone!
- Only partly thanks to Mr Osbourne, Johann.Mostly thanks to the government and people of Britain who, for the previous 12 years, simply thought they could keep on spending more than they made without the bank manager ever twigging.
- Yep. Buy something from overseas and get them to put it on an airplane. That's really green.
- Egads! Does this mean that we will have to content ourselves with the military we can afford? What happened to just taking how ever much money we think we might need from our children and grandchildren?
- Yeah Mark, we're wimps. We should be out in the streets damaging property and hurting other people, like the French, or wiping out more of Britain's wealth with a general strike like the Spanish. I know this might lose our nose, but it certainly would spite our face, wouldn't it?
# posted by Had It in Holland Park @ 05:34

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