Tuesday, 24 August 2010
50% of females, but only 37% of males go to uni? This is a gender gap as important as the gender gap in board rooms and in equal pay. Why is it not being shouted from the rooftops? Why is there no affirmative action program?
What? If women have a problem it is men's fault and if men have a problem it is men's fault? Oh, sorry, I didn't know that. Never mind.
Right, Gary: It's not the kid's fault, it's not the parents' fault, it's the school's fault. That's the lesson we want the children of the nineties and noughties to take through life: It's Always Someone Else's Fault.
Okay. He groped some woman who didn't want to be groped.
He is complicit in the coming murder of a few thousand Afghans by revealing who they are and what involvement they have with the Afghan and NATO military forces. Which is the greater crime?
# posted by Had It in Holland Park @ 02:27

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