Thursday, 22 July 2010
No Burkas in the Boardroom
The use of state coercive power to dictate dress is inappropriate. But public opinion was high in reaction to the niqab/burqa wearers blatant disrespect for the local culture. France is a secular country that values gender equity. A couple in France with the man in khakis and a polo shirt while the woman is in a niqab/burqa is the equivalent of a western couple in Saudi both wearing short shorts and tank tops, or wearing leather strides to a party hosted by Jains: it is a deliberate insult. It says: "Dear France: I spit on your customs and your values and your people."
The use of state coercive power to dictate dress is inappropriate. But public opinion was high in reaction to the niqab/burqa wearers blatant disrespect for the local culture. France is a secular country that values gender equity. A couple in France with the man in khakis and a polo shirt while the woman is in a niqab/burqa is the equivalent of a western couple in Saudi both wearing short shorts and tank tops, or wearing leather strides to a party hosted by Jains: it is a deliberate insult. It says: "Dear France: I spit on your customs and your values and your people."
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