Wednesday, 23 June 2010

So, as best I can make out from these charts:
1)     Except for a brief period under Slick Willy, we have always spent more than we make
2)     Georgie Porgie took debt-per-household up by 20%, Barry-O has done the same
6)     Entitlement programs won’t eat all of government until 2050 - That surprised me, as Simpson & Bowles (chairs of the be-partisan deficit commission) said that entitlements were already eating all our revenue and we were borrowing our discretionary spending.  Maybe they were including interest on debt & the two wars – or maybe they were just full of beans and going for shock value in that interview.
9)     Anti-poverty spending went up when Georgie and the Retroblicans had control of congress, but down when the majority passed to the Dumbocrats – That surprised me too.
12)  Georgie didn’t even slow the curve on the increase in socialized medicine (Medicare) – in fact it went up faster under him than any previous Pres.
14)  Pork actually went down under Georgie when the Dumbocrats got control of congress – That surprised me three.
18)    By 2020, the country will be like most Americans: borrowing just enough to pay off its credit-card interest.
20)  Spending has traditionally gone up when revenues go down, including under Georgie, and usually gone  down when revenues go up (except under Georgie)

While I realise that the main purpose of these slides is to scare us into understanding we cannot go on like Georgie and Barry, expecting China and the Arabs to fund our borrow-and-spend lifestyle, they are none-the-less also a very good lesson in the history of the Noughties.


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