Monday, 14 September 2009



I received the email below from a conservative friend and it made me actually read the American Health Care Reform bill.   The sender's original is in Black, my comments in Blue

Seglember 10. 2009 at 11:52 am
As a result, the President and his plan are in deeper trouble than before he spoke. The battle lines are
drawn between increased government control over health care and any other idea that stands in the
way of that objective."  ABSOLUTELY!!! I for one, do NOT like being lied to. It was lie after lie after lie.

I READ THE BILL, HR32OO. YOU CANNOT ARGUE WITH FACTS.  But you can distort them?
* PG22 MANDATES the Govemment will audit books of ALL EMPLOYERS that self-insure!!
     Oh, no!   Do we want accountability? Shouldn’t we just take their unsupported word.  No employer would ever lie, would they?   PS: This section mandates a study, not comprehensive audit.  I suspect a sample of under 10%.
* PG 24 Section 116 Government effectively sets prices for ALL private health plans.
No, it will only set price ranges for those wanting to enter a central exchange –plans outside of the exchange can charge what they like
* PG 30 Section 123 THERE WILL BE A Govemment COMMITTEE that decides what treatments/benefits you get.
Untrue.  This committee will recommend MINIMUM benefits i.e. will mandate that you cannot be offered LESS than X or Y.
* PG 37 Ltne 132 The Government will be reviewing grievances about themselves and will decide on appeals for rejected claims.   And who decides on appeals now?   PS: This section merely mandates that plans in the exchange must have grievance procedures that pass a fairness test.
I find nothing on PAGE 29 that says that!   
PS: My health care isn’t rationed, but those less well off than I (i.e. with a worse insurance plan) have their healthcare rationed today.   We hope those on the public option will also be rationed – otherwise we will be paying for IVF,  boob and nose jobs for the indigent.
* PG 42 The Health Choices Commissioner will choose your HealthCare Benefits for you. You have no choice!
False.   This merely says the HCC will set minimum standards for those plans that wish to enter the exchange.
* PG 50 Line 152 HealthCare will be provided to ALL non-US citizens, illegal or otherwise.
Nothing on PAGE 50 or in section 152 that says that!   
PG 58 Government will have real-time access to individuals' finances They already DO -- but all this section gives real-time access to is an individual’s entitlements, for the purpose of real-time resolution of his claim
PG 59 Line2l-24 Government will have direct access to your bank accounts for electronic funds transfer!   
Nothing on PAGE 59 says that!   It mandates that plans participating in the exchange OFFER their customers electronic funds transfer.
* PG 62 Protection of Data, Government shows they will have database of your personal & financial info.  No, this section does not show any such thing.   PS:  the government already has you on their database anyway.
* FG64 L2l-25,pg65 L 1-5 which refers to processing payment transactions by financial institutions
Just gives minimum standards of payment processing for those participating in the exchange
* pG 65 Line 164 ii a payoff subsidized plan for retirees and their families in Unions & community organizations (ACORN).   A system by which private companies get subsidized for not dumping all their older members onto medicare.  Saves the taxpayer money.
* PG 72line 8-14 Government is creating a HealthCare Exchange to bring private HealthCare plans under Government control.   No, it is being created to give the consumer more choices than they have now.
* pG 84 Line 203 Government mandates ALL benefit packages for private. HealthCare plans in the Exchange.  
This only mandates minimum standards for health care plans in the exchange – just as they do for auto insurance today.  Companies who do not participate in the exchange will not be required to meet even these low standards.
* pG Stline 7 Specs for of Benefit Levels for Plans: The Government will ration your HealthCare!
#AARP members your Health care will be rationed.   Totally False
* pG 89 Line 6-lO The FAR is not applicable. Government can write contracts any way they want.
What is the FAR?  Which health care plans use it now?
* pG 95 Line 8-18 The Gov. will use groupt i.e., ACORN & Americorps to sign up individuals for Government HealthCare Plan.   Nothing in this section says that!   However, it does say that these organizations can let people know about the exchange and what choices are available to them
* pG 98 Line 8 Americans - You will be paying for others' HealthCare while paying for your own.
You already do that now (e.g Medicaid, Medicare, emergency room treatment for indigents, Blue Cross, etc) 
PS: Paying for other’s healthcare while paying for your own it is what health insurance – public or private – is all about
* PG 109 Line 207 Health Trust Fund. The Government will raise taxes on EVERYONE to fund HealthCare as they see fit.    No.  It raises taxes on deadbeats who refuse to buy their own insurance or who provide substandard insurance to their employees.
* pG 110 Line l-i2nmployment taxes on ALL employers NOT offering Government HealthCare-
No choice.   False: It raises taxes on employers who provide substandard insurance to their employees.
* pG 110 Line 13-18 An excise tax on ALL goods from companies not offering Government HealthCare. ALL Americans PaY.  FALSE: only on those offering substandard health insurance plans
* pG 110 Line 19-24 the Trealury can take $$ from Soc Line to pay HealthCare.  Treasury can always take any money not appropriated for something else and apply it as it sees fit.  See most other government bills.
* pG I 11 Line 208 The Federal Government will usurp all State powers in State Based HealthCare
Exchange. Violation of 10th Amendment.   False.  It says States can operate their own exchanges if, and only if, they are as good as the federal one.   If they are substandard, the citizens of that state can avoid getting screwed by using the federal one.   (See the Interstate Commerce clause)
* PG 12 1 Line 223 PAYMENT RATES FOR ITEMS AND SERVICES. Can you say Govemment price fixing & monopoly?    Wrong.  This fixes prices for the public option – just as private options fix their prices. The alternative would be to let providers charge whatever they want – something Humana or Blue Cross would never allow.
* PG 124 Line24-25 No company can sue Government on price fixing. No'Judicial review" against Government Monopoly.    Blue Cross price fixing is also not subject to judicial review.  PS: There is no government monopoly and the proposed public option would be lucky to get a 10% market share..  
* PG 126 Line 10-15 The Government can make up prices for anything at anytime for any reason.  As can any health insurance plan.   No doctor or hospital is required to accept these rates.  They can decline to participate, as many do.
* PG 170 Line 1-3 Any NONRESIDENT Alien is exempt from individual taxes. (Americans will pav)  FALSE.  It says people who are not resident in the US do not have to pay if they have insurance where they live instead of in the USA.  PS: If they are not resident here, they are not usually getting health service here.
* PG 195 officers & employees of HealthCare Administration (Govemment) will have access to ALL Americans financial/personal records.  No.  It says if you are making $200K a year and say you are only making $20k, they can check your tax records (which they already have) to test your claim.
* PG 202-215 is a Govemment rewrite of the tax code ensuring more taxes for EVERYONE, Everywhere.  
Possibly, but so is every government bill that talks about taxes.   I promise you, no matter what happens, taxes will not go down for the next 10 years.
* PG 239 Line 14-24 Government will reduce physician services for Medicaid. Seniors, low income, poor affected. 
False! Nothing in this section says that!
* pC Z:g-Z 49 Line 1121 Doctors-Govemment mandates your growth, costs, value, services, & income. Welcome to rationing  crap.   Says, if they want to play, pprovidera can’t keep raising prices without improving services forever.
* PG 328 Line 1157 Government study disguised. It's a HealthCare workforce study mandated by law for unionization.   This relates to Medicare only, which is already paid for by the government
* PG 354 Line 1177 Govemment wiII RESTRICT enrollment of Special needs people!   False. Nothing in this section about Medicare and Medicaid says that! 
* PG 425 Lines 4-12 Govemment mandates Advance Care Planning Consult. Think Senior Citizens
end of life.  It mandates that practitioners MUST tell seniors what is going on and what is likely to happen for the next 5 years.  No more stringing people along from day to day.
* pG425 L22-25, 426 Ll-3 Government provides approved list of end of life resources, guiding you in death.  
Sets minimum standards – any practitioner is free to provide better services, but none may offer worse ones.
* PG 427 Lines 15-24 Government mandates program for orders for end of life. The Government has
a say in how your life ends.   Like Teri Schaivo?   Is this a Republican bill?   Actually, it sets minimum standards only – says end of life people can’t be screwed.
* pG 430 Lines 11-15 The Government will decide what level of treatment you will have at end of life.   
Well, at least it will set a minimum – rather than let providers give whatever care they like, regardless of how sub-standard.
* pG 494-498 Government will cover Mental Health Services including defining, creating, rationing those services.  Horrors again!  They are requiring that mental health counselors have college degrees and that a physican (a real doctor) be involved at some point.  Shouldn’t my aunt Mabel be allowed to charge health insurance companies for using her crystals to improve the mental health of the gullible?
* PG 502 Section 1181 Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research Established. - Hello Big
Brother - Literally.   Oh no!  The government is going to fund research?  Won’t the sky fall? Won’t the Russian Commies take over?   What? The government already funds lots of research and the Russians aren’t commie anymore? Oh!  Well, never mind, then.
* pG 711 Lines ti-t+ tft" Secretary has broad powers to deny HealthCare providers/suppliers admittance into HealthCare Exchange.  Really?  How horrible!  Shouldn’t any Tom, Dick or Harry be able to set up a Madoff Health insurance scheme and be admitted immediately?
* pG 735 lines l6-25 For law enforcement purposes, the Secretary of Health & Human Services will give Attorney General access to ALL data.  Nothing in this section says that!
* pG 765 Section 1711 Government will require Preventative Services including vaccines. (Choice?)  No, it will require  health insurance plans, if they want to be in the exchange, must pay for these things if you want to have them.
* pg 768 Section 1713 Govemment - Nurse Home Visitation Services (Hello union paybacks)  Horrors!  No health insurance scheme should be allowed to pay for visitors to the sick or elderly.  If they don’t have any relatives, let them eat cake.
* pilSg 3-5 Nurse Home Visit Services - "increasing birth intervals between pregnancies." Government ABORTIONS anYone?   Horrors again!  Teenagers should be allowed to have babies every 9 or 10 months without some idiot doctor or nurse telling them it is bad for their health.
* pg769 |I-l4Nurse Home Visit Services include-economic self-sufficiency, employment advancement, school-readiness   Horrors again!   If the sick can’t get out of bed on their own, they should just lie there.
* pg770 SEC 1714 Federal Government mandates eligibility for State Family Planning Services. Say abortion & State Sovereign.   Oh no!  If states want to offer really bad service they should be allowed to – once a state decides to offer family planning service, there should be no minimum standard.
* pg7g9-797 Government will set & mandate drug prices, controlling which drugs will be brought to market. Bye innovation  The section is for Medicaid Managed Care only and says that states have to report the rebates they get from pharmaceutical companies.  Outrageous!  Shouldn’t rebates and kickbacks be kept secret?
* pG 1001 The Government will establish a National Medical Device Registry. Will you be tracked?   This registry will track how effective a device is.  Can they do that?  Shouldn’t I be allowed to sell any healthcare device I like without anyone bothering me about whether it works or not?
* pG 1003 9-11 National Medical Device Registry "(iii) other post-market device surveillance activities" you WILL be tracked.   Well, at least whether the device you were sold actually works will be tracked.   Horrors!   After we have already bought something, the last thing we want to hear is that it didn’t work 85% of the time, Ignorance is bliss.
* PG 1018 States give up some of their State Sovereignty'   There is no page 1018
AND ON AND ON. OSAN,{A LIED, HE IS A LIAR. HE WON',T QUIT LYING. I would prefer to think that the author of this diatribe is merely mistaken, not that he is a deliberate liar.
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http://publicplanl-acts.o rgl2009l09lhomhs-dr-goldberg-responds-to-presidents-health-care-speech/ 9na12009
I would, but this is not a valid URL.
I did finally find the website and discovered this wasn’t written by Dr Goldberg, but is a blog post by a certain “sandoz”.     I think this is the name/nickname of a person, rather than the large pharmaceutical company - a Novartis subsidiary


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