Friday, 29 October 2021
Thursday, 28 October 2021
Wednesday, 27 October 2021
The new religion is victimhood. It is not just race: see women, Latinx, LBGTQRF, Muslims and Jews
Mark Zuckerberg sued over staff’s alleged mistreatment of household aides
It is not just about the money, the right to be a victim is also at stake.
Saturday, 23 October 2021
Yes! We really want politicians telling us who should report the news.
Mr Knight should also pick the news directors of all radio and TV channels in the UK and who should edit The New European, the Guardian and the Independent. What could possibly go wrong?
Thursday, 21 October 2021
Tuesday, 19 October 2021
Investigation: how some of Britain’s top universities fail to protect students from sexual misconduct.
Monday, 18 October 2021
Theory That Gender Is A Social Construct Turns Out To Be A Social Construct
Insted of Kryptonite, New Gay Superman Will Be Crippled By Anyone Using Wrong Pronouns
BURBANK, CA—The brilliant and courageous writers at DC Comics have announced that Superman is now gay, and his pronouns are they/them as he is also non-binary. Now, instead of Kryptonite, he will be rendered completely powerless by anyone who addresses him using the wrong pronouns.
"I'll finally defeat Superman! He's such a liberal snowflake!" says right-wing transphobe Lex Luthor to reporters in the latest issue. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" cries gay Superman in response as he withers to the ground in shrieks of agony. "I'm non-binary! It should be 'THEY is such a snowflake!' EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
"Writers confirmed that gay Superman will gay-save the world and gay-stop hate crimes with his gay superpowers. He will be completely impervious to Kryptonite but will be powerless against right-wing talk show hosts and trans-exclusionary radical feminist authors. First and foremost, he will be very, very gay.
"We are so proud to break new ground with this stunning, brave, totally expected, and culturally fashionable change to the Superman character," said writer Tom Taylor. "We look forward to selling dozens and dozens of copies."
Saturday, 16 October 2021
Friday, 15 October 2021
Does ANYONE like people who are all talk and not action? Can she be against paedophilia, or is that too political for you, John. Can she have a favourite food or colour.
PS: Are you implying that people "should not think very carefully about the future.”
PPS: Can Erin Jones have a political opinion, or is also that telling us what to do as well?
John Lewis advert is a glorious antidote to toxic ‘boys will be boys’ messaging
Wednesday, 13 October 2021
Comic books are doing everything Marvel and DC films aren’t for queer representation
Comic fan furious after flamboyant superhero wearing extravagant cape and bright red underwear over his trousers revealed to be ‘not entirely straight’
A comic fan has today announced his extreme disappointment that the new Superman is bisexual, insisting the character should be as straight as they come, despite all the evidence to the contrary.
Bisexual Superman Ruins Comic For Fan Who Preferred Smouldering Homoerotic Undertones
Maher 'Prediction' of 2024 Election, Suggests Capitol Riot just a Warmup
Bill Maher is right about Trump's 'slow-moving coup.' Here are 6 reasons to take it seriously
We know that Trump will try to steal the 2024 election but I don’t think the American people will let him do it. As the man said: fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.
Yes, we know the voter suppression is gaining ground in red states, possibly with Supreme Court support. We know the once-proud Republican party is being purged of people who can think for themselves. And there are also allies abroad.
Vladimir Putin will certainly be there for him, probably even without collusion, because Biden has not been good for Russia and Putin likes Trump’s style. Xi Jinping will also be on Trump’s side because, because the US lost the trade war, and Trump was far gentler with China than Biden has been. Trump will also have Kim Jung Un in his corner, because Kim knows Trump to be a push-over.
It still won’t be enough for Trump to win the election.
Monday, 11 October 2021
Saturday, 9 October 2021
How many head teachers are are men?
Tory MP says people using term ‘white privilege’ should be reported as extremists
Extremism may be over the top, but it is certainly racist.
Calling it hate speech may be going too far, but it is definitely racist.
Priti Patel backs ‘innovative’ mobile app proposed in wake of murder of Sarah Everard
Barbara Hershey: ‘They called Beaches a chick flick – it’s offensive’
Friday, 1 October 2021
“It’s difficult, it really is,” said Simon Williams, a veteran of Labour politics who believes in a fairer society for everyone, except the Jews. “On the one hand, Boris Johnson is an upper-class Etonian who wants to maintain the status quo and make the rich richer and the poor poorer. “On the other hand, Keir Starmer used to be a lawyer.”
Williams went on, “You’d think so, wouldn’t you? I’m not so sure. If it means Starmer as PM then maybe I’d just rather sulk on the sidelines and let everyone suffer another ten years of Tory rule because I didn’t get what I want.”
UTICA, NY—Blasting state officials for putting her into such an “impossible position,” local nurse Sophia Wood confirmed Wednesday that she was carefully weighing whether she was better off getting the vaccine or losing her job and dying. “On the plus side, if get vaccinated, I could get to continue to live my life healthy and happy with no drawbacks, but is that really worth giving up the right to die while out of work?”
What changes are being made to GCSEs and A-levels next year?
Dumbing down is a tactic of most would-be dictators.
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