Monday, 31 August 2020
How Long Can The NHS And Queer Community Share The Rainbow Flag?"due to this recent co-opting of the rainbow flag" which the LGBTQ people stole from other movements.
“The rainbow flag is a global symbol of the LGBTQ rights movement,” which it may be but it is certainly blatant cultural appropriation from the World Peace Flag and the International Co-operative Alliance which were in existence LONG before the LGBTQ rights movement ever existed.
How dare you!
Saturday, 29 August 2020
Athletes Are Finished Playing America’s Rigged GameIndividuals like Jackie Robinson, Muhammad Ali and Colin Kaepernick changed society. Can this generation do it by banding together?We hope they can, and it is good to see them try.
But isn't the deck stacked a bit in their favor. The average NBA player's compensation is $7.7 million.
Compared to the rest of us, they could do a lot of good.
If each of the 496 NBA players contributed $1 Million to Black Lives Matter, what would it do?
882 MLB players get $4.4 million on average. What if they donated $500,000
690 NHL players get $2.78 million, what if they donated &250,000
720 MLS players get $412.000, what if they donated $25,000
That would be over $1 billion? Could that do some good?
Friday, 28 August 2020
Facebook Deliberately Ignored Militia Groups As They Plotted Kenosha Violence
Absolutely! We want Facebook to be a part of the police and to censor all posts. And if any communications from these groups were sent by mail, then the Post Office is also just as guilty.
BBC Staff Accuse Corporation Of Being 'Institutionally Racist'BBC's target is 15% BAME workers, they are currntly at 14.8% or 79 jobs short (within the statistical margin of error. Still, they are right: just about EVERY institution in Britain is "institutionally racist", and that applies to BAME institutions as well.
Wednesday, 26 August 2020
Ofqual Chief Sally Collier Quits Over A-Level Grading FiascoAs well she should! She did EXACTLY what her political masters asked he to do and it was certain that the Education Secretary wasn't going to resign, even though it was his doing.
Somebody had to go, and we know one thing from this government: there is NO accountability for government ministers or government advisors like Dominic Cummings.
Boris Johnson: Stop Being Embarrassed About Britain's History Of SlaveryIt has lyrics stating Britons “never shall be slaves” and and “while thou shalt flourish great and free, the dread and envy of them all”.What, you wanted Britain to be slaves? You didn't want Britain to be great or free or envied?
Yes, some people (both black and white) were slave traders, but most people were not
Which other country do you think did more to end slavery?
Land Of Hope And Glory has lyrics such as “thine Empire shall be strong” and “God, who made thee mighty, make thee mightier yet.” You wanted God to weaken Britain? Why do you supposed he didn't? Maybe this hooraw is his way of doing so now. Would you like that?
Thursday, 20 August 2020
Trump vs. Biden Is an American History Rerun"The new collective majority of minority schoolchildren..."
What a wonderful phrase. The majority is a minority. Newspeak!
British Journalism Awards Announces Historic New Category For BAME ReportersThat will be okay if there is a white journalist award, otherwise it is just racist..
Tuesday, 18 August 2020
Outrageous! Blacks make up 3% of the population so they should have gotten 129.000.
Asians make up 7% and should have gotten 310.000.
Abolishing Private Schools Is The Only Way To Make Things FairAbsolutely! Dumbing down is the only way to make things fair. Don't waste good education on bright kids: make certain everyone gets mediocre education.
Friday, 14 August 2020
Birthers Are Already Going After Kamala Harris
I wish Donnie Trump would go back to the country he came from
Government watchdog finds top Trump DHS officials are ineligible for their positionsSo what. As our President would say: f@ck the Constitution.
Tucker Carlson should be deported.
Thursday, 13 August 2020
Trump plans to accept Republican nomination from White House lawnThe President and Vice President will be fine, but any white house staffer or member of the secret service present, must be fired.
"Lola Consuelos On Mom Kelly Ripa's Thirst Traps Of Mark Consuelos: 'Disgusting'DOES ANYBODY UNDERSTAND WHAT LANGUAGE THEY ARE SPEAKING?
Or what language this piece is written in?
Sunday, 2 August 2020
Senior Tory MP Accused Of Rape Will Not Be Suspended From Party
What? How dare they! People who are accused are guilty., because they media tells us so!
We don't believe in innocent until proven guilty, that is so 20th century.
Saturday, 1 August 2020
Fintan O’Toole: Donald Trump has destroyed the country he promised to make great again
The world has loved, hated and envied the US. Now, for the first time, we pity it.
However bad things are for most other rich democracies, it is hard not to feel sorry for Americans. Most of them did not vote for Donald Trump in 2016. Yet they are locked down with a malignant narcissist who, instead of protecting his people from Covid-19, has amplified its lethality. The country Trump promised to make great again has never in its history seemed so pitiful.
Pubs Could Shut For Schools To Reopen In September, Scientific Adviser Warns
Why? Do you have to do that to get the teachers out of the pub
Why did they cancel it at all. We could have been watching Robbie Gee (56), Llewella Gideon (52) and Meera Syal (59) as they developed into middle age. We could even watch as Leo Chester turn into Leo Mohammed.
But you are right: Blacks form about 3% of the population of the UK, so there out to be more black shows and 3% of announcers, sportscasters, actors and characters should be black.

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