Friday, 31 July 2020
On Diversity
tends to breed greater trust than diversity.
If your neighbor is more like you, you tend to trust him more than if
his culture is different. If his culture is different, if he thinks differently
than you do, you are not sure what he will do in a situation. That breeds mistrust. If his reactions seem strange to you, you are
troubled. You are troubled by what you don’t
So, in a
diverse society, the challenge is to find out what the diverse people believe,
how they think and allow yourself to say “I can see that. It really is not so
That’s a can
be a tall order when your culture and your neighbour’s culture believe in mutually contradictory
If you believe that arranged marriage will make
a better union for your child than letting men and women pick each other and
your neighbour thinks that arranged marriage is akin to slavery, you have a
problem. Can you agree to disagree, or is
that not enough.
If you believe that abortion is killing babies
and your neighbour believes that all women have the right to choose, you have a
difficulty. Your art of persuasion will
be sorely tested.
If you believe that climate change is the worst
crisis facing humanity and you neighbour thinks it is non-existent or a hoax,
you have a difficulty. Will science be
enough, even for people who do not believe in experts or in science
If you believe that privilege is something you
earn and your neighbour believe that white privilege is not earned, even more
thinks it is responsible for some of his woes, you have a problem. Do you convince the white man that he does
not deserve all he has been given or do you convince the person of colour that
not all of their woes are down to white privilege. Or both?
If you believe that the police are there to
protect you and your neighbour believe the police are out to get them, you have
a difficulty. What if the police ARE
there to protect you AND are out to get your neighbour? Time to change the police? In what way?
Indeed most countries are diverse, but who is doing better
at managing that diversity?
Some of the best at managing diversity have very little of
it. (Japan, the Koreas, Portugal,
Poland, Albania, Greece, Germany, Scandinavia).
Those who have lots of diversity
have different ways of dealing with it. New
Zealand, Australia, Canada and the USA have passed many laws to encourage
diversity, though the degree to which this has entered the culture of these
nations is spotty.
Other have simply given up the ghost: Yugoslavia
split and is still coming to grips with it, Russia split and may split again, the
UK and Spain my well split, but splitting will just kick the problem down the
road, as many of the resulting nations will still be diverse. China wants to weed it out, by making everyone
Han Chinese, Burma wants to weed it out by killing every ethnic minority. These are not very pleasant and questionably
effective in any case.
The nature of our society in America is diverse and most orators
and politicians like to leverage that diversity for political gain, which is
not helpful. Perhaps focusing on what brings us together, and not focusing on
the things that make us mistrust each other, would be good. But someone has to
start. Will it be you?
Monday, 27 July 2020
Mike Ditka To Athletes Who Kneel During Anthem: ‘Get The Hell Out Of The Country'This might have made sense if he had ever served in the military but, just like his idol, he didn't. And he didn't even have bone spurs as an excuse. Ditka has always been a coward where it matters.
White Supremacy Shaped American Christianity, Researcher Says
Mike Ditka To Athletes Who Kneel During Anthem: ‘Get The Hell Out Of The Country'
Of course they are. They were images of their culture, which was racist and xenophobe, so why would you expect it to be different? So what is the solution: everyone should feel guilty about their culture, because all cultures are racist and xenophobe. Or do we want to have an contest about "my culture was more or less racist and xenophobe than your culture"?
The Supreme Court Built America’s Broken Policing System: It’s Working Just As Intended
The Supreme Court Built America’s Broken Policing System: It’s Working Just As Intended
Beginning in 1968, amid rising white anxiety about the unrest in urban Black communities largely instigated by police brutality and crime, the court has signed off on controversial police practices marking a near total reinterpretation of the Fourth and Fifth Amendments while also creating a multi-step system protecting police from accountability when they are charged with abuse. The rulings provide the legal authorization for the policing system now deemed broken by politicians and protesters.
Court decisions joined by justices from all political persuasions enable police to stop and frisk anyone they deem suspicious; to stop any vehicle driver for any infraction even if the stop was a pretext for a different concern; to arrest anyone for any legal infraction, no matter how minor; to use force, including deadly force, even to enforce a speeding violation. And then the court has granted multiple layers of protection for officers and police departments from accountability from criminal and civil suits brought by victims of their actions.
This might have made sense if he had ever served in the military but, just like his idol, he didn't. And he didn't even have bone spurs as an excuse. Ditka has always been a coward where it matters.
Saturday, 25 July 2020
Britain's Citizenship Test Is Racist
An article which says nothing about what was on the citizenship test or what was wrong with the home office document. Instead it focuses on giving everyone a free ride: saying new citizens don't have to learn anything about their new homeland, they should just believe whatever people in their personal circle tell them.
How very FOX news.
An article which says nothing about what was on the citizenship test or what was wrong with the home office document. Instead it focuses on giving everyone a free ride: saying new citizens don't have to learn anything about their new homeland, they should just believe whatever people in their personal circle tell them.
How very FOX news.
Tuesday, 21 July 2020
Pay Rise For 900,000 Public Sector Staff – But Social Care Workers Left Out
Here’s What We Know So Far About The Russia Report
As most social care workers are private, how would the government include them in this scheme.
How, unless you nationalise all employers who employ care workers
How, unless you nationalise all employers who employ care workers
You know absolutely nothing, but the click-bait headline seems to make sense. The 24-hour news cycle gets ahead of itself yet again.
Trump Seen At Event Without Mask Hours After Saying It’s ‘Patriotic’ To Wear One
Trump Seen At Event Without Mask Hours After Saying It’s ‘Patriotic’ To Wear One
You don't understand. It is patriotic, but Trump never claimed to be a patriot. Patriots have rights and responsibilities.
Trump only has rights. Responsibilities are for other people.
Trump only has rights. Responsibilities are for other people.
Monday, 20 July 2020
Oregon Sues To Protect People From 'Kidnap And False Arrest' By Federal Troops
Why sue them. Arrest them for kidnapping..
Get the entire command structure on aiding and abetting.
Trump Prepping To Dispatch Federal Squads To More Democratic Cities
Trump Prepping To Dispatch Federal Squads To More Democratic Cities
It is quite easy for the local police: just arrest them. I know that you can;t do that until AFTER they have committed a crime, but start a manhunt for every kidnapping. You can get all of the command structure on joint enterprise,
Friday, 17 July 2020
Monuments Are Falling. What Should Rise in Their Place?
I think we should have scientists and, perhaps, musicians who have no racism or sexism in their lyrics or in their life.
Definitely no Greeks or Romans or Christians, as they condoned slavery. Same with Islam and Hindu religions. No founding fathers and no to anyone associated with the military or imperialism. Also no to African Americans or #metoo people, who allowed racism and sexism to go on for too long. No politician for the past 200 years, for the same reason
Definitely no Greeks or Romans or Christians, as they condoned slavery. Same with Islam and Hindu religions. No founding fathers and no to anyone associated with the military or imperialism. Also no to African Americans or #metoo people, who allowed racism and sexism to go on for too long. No politician for the past 200 years, for the same reason
President Biden’s First Day
..."war about why my sort of people are morally superior to your sort of people."
The cancel culture will speak against that. Anybody who does not toe the line is morally inferior to my group.
White House Press Secretary Says Science Won't 'Stand In The Way' Of Reopening Schools
White House Press Secretary Says Science Won't 'Stand In The Way' Of Reopening Schools
Of course we pay no attention to science. Why should anyone want evidence of things we're going to do anyway, regardless of how many students and teachers we kill.
Islamic State Bride Shamma Begum Should Be Allowed To Return To UK, Court Rules
Islamic State Bride Shamma Begum Should Be Allowed To Return To UK, Court Rules
Just a terrorist waiting to happen. Five years or twenty-five, but it will happen.
Donald Trump Poses With Goya Products
He knows that he is above the law.
Donald Trump Poses With Goya Products
He knows that he is above the law.
Wednesday, 15 July 2020
After ethics backlash over Ivanka Trump's posts about Goya beans, her father poyts, too
Oh nonsense, You know they both are above the law. Why mislead your audience to say that they are not?
Dr. Fauci Pushes Back On ‘Bizarre’ White House Attempts To Discredit Him
Oh good, Another "let's you and him fight" story, Gosh, the journalist at Huffpo and the mainstream media needed one of those. They are SO much easier to cover than anything to do with real issues.
I hope they will also compensate the Cherokees who used to make their home in Asheville before the trail of tears, and the Jews who were also discriminated against back in the days of William Pelley's Silver Legion
Dr. Fauci Pushes Back On ‘Bizarre’ White House Attempts To Discredit Him
Oh good, Another "let's you and him fight" story. Gosh, the journalist at Huffpo and the mainstream media needed one of those.
They are SO much easier to cover than anything to do with real issues.
Donald Trump Is At War With COVID-19 ScienceScience IS the enemy. If we rely on science, we con't tell people to believe whatever we tell them.
Who are you going to trust a scientist or people who believe the same things that you do?
Ivanka Trump's Can Of Beans Photo Is Not Only Surreal – It Might Have Broken The Law
They are SO much easier to cover than anything to do with real issues.
Donald Trump Is At War With COVID-19 ScienceScience IS the enemy. If we rely on science, we con't tell people to believe whatever we tell them.
Who are you going to trust a scientist or people who believe the same things that you do?
Ivanka Trump's Can Of Beans Photo Is Not Only Surreal – It Might Have Broken The Law
Oh, Nonsense. You know that she is above the law. Why mislead your audience to say that she is not?
.Chinese Mobile Giant Huawei To Be Stripped Out Of UK 5G By 2027
They keep saying that we should distance ourselves from "high-risk vendors" but they won't say who the other high-risk vendors are. Why not?
Certainly, when it comes to spying or turing off services that we depend upon, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google are VERY high-risk vendors.
Trump Snaps 'So Are White People' When Asked Wshy Black People Are Killed By Cop
Certainly, when it comes to spying or turing off services that we depend upon, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google are VERY high-risk vendors.
Trump Snaps 'So Are White People' When Asked Wshy Black People Are Killed By Cop
The journalist asked the wrong question. She should have asked why unarmed black people were being shot by police officers. When a suspect is armed, the options decrease dramatically
Grenfell Tower Inquiry Accused Of Racism Over 'No Guns, Knives Or Hammers'
Grenfell Tower Inquiry Accused Of Racism Over 'No Guns, Knives Or Hammers'
It is racism: there should be the same strict rules with bag searches at all public hearings.
Tuesday, 14 July 2020
Trump Suggests A Biden Presidency Would Be 'Ratings' NightmareWhat? You mean the media won't cover every tweet?
Thank god.
Still, the media LIKE Donald Trump because he is so easy to cover.
They may still try to get him elected just out of self-interest.
Thank god.
Still, the media LIKE Donald Trump because he is so easy to cover.
They may still try to get him elected just out of self-interest.
Wednesday, 8 July 2020
Artists and Writers Warn of an ‘Intolerant Climate.’ Reaction Is Swift.
A picture is worth a thousand words
If you do this to a male it is OK, but if you do it to a female it is called fat-shaming
These intellectuals are reacting to the idea that "if you don't do what we say you should do" then you are a racist (or a sexist, or anti-semitic, or Islamophobic or a trans-hater or whatever). The reaction to their statement in social media says: "Yep."
Biden Should Not Debate Trump Unless
Biden Should Not Debate Trump Unless
Here are two conditions the Democrat should set.
First, Biden should declare that he will take part in a debate only if Trump releases his tax returns for 2016 through 2018. Biden has already done so, and they are on his website. Trump must, too. No more gifting Trump something he can attack while hiding his own questionable finances.
And second, Biden should insist that a real-time fact-checking team approved by both candidates be hired by the nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates — and that 10 minutes before the scheduled conclusion of the debate this team report on any misleading statements, phony numbers or outright lies either candidate had uttered. That way no one in that massive television audience can go away easily misled.
Debates always have ground rules. Why can’t telling the truth and equal transparency on taxes be conditions for this one?
A picture is worth a thousand words
If you do this to a male it is OK, but if you do it to a female it is called fat-shaming

Friday, 3 July 2020
Businessman Trump masterfully convinces Putin to lower bounty on US soldiers by 2%
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The US president has once again brought his considerable business acumen to bear on matters of international diplomacy by successfully persuading Russian President Vladimir Putin to lower the amount of the bounty a Russian military intelligence unit has placed on coalition forces in Afghanistan by 2%. “Putin is a strong leader, great leader, very strong leader, tremendous leader,” Trump said in a press conference to announce his strategic victory. “But I’m better,” From the Beaverton
In the wake of the arrest of Epstein’s ex-girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell, assassin Simon Williams woke up to 73 missed calls and 38 voicemails from various celebrity nonces who are keen to have the woman unalived. "*sigh* fine,” remarked Williams, digging out his murder suitcase from the wardrobe. “I was hoping for some time off, but $38 million is $38 million From NewsThump

Chris Hayes Explains Why Donald Trump’s America Is ‘Laughingstock’ Around The World
Since when is the opinion of a cable TV journalist "news."
(Ed Murrow and Walter Cronkhite eat your hearts out.)
Traitorous Trump doesn't care
Boris Johnson Says He Would Not Take The Knee For Black Lives Matter
Oh. Then he is clearly a racist, since anybody who does not do what BLM wants has to be a racist. It is gesture their way or the highway.
Visitors From The United States Will Still Have To Quarantine, Says Grant Shapps
(Why does that remind me of Trump or the Chinese government in Hong Kong or the Nazi's - I am sure that is not what most BLM members want.)
As an American, i certainly hope they will. The US is probably the only jurisdiction that is worse than the UK at handling this virus.
I do hope that the UK government test ALL arrivals after they fill in their contact details.
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