Democrats are so obviously rooting against us in our negotiations with North Korea. Just like they are coming to the defense of MS 13 thugs, saying that they are individuals & must be nurtured, or asking to end your big Tax Cuts & raise your taxes instead. Dems have lost touch!
Thursday, 31 May 2018
Revealed: Labour’s New Plan To Tackle Anti-Semitism
Does this anti-semetism policy work for Arabs as well as Jews, since both are semites?
Why Arkady Babchenko's strange resurrection is a PR gift for the Kremlin
Does this anti-semetism policy work for Arabs as well as Jews, since both are semites?
Why Arkady Babchenko's strange resurrection is a PR gift for the Kremlin
There is no evidence that this prevented the killing of anyone, including Mr Babchenko. We don't understand: why can't the Ukraine get sanctions against Russia because they did a fake-news killing. The UK got sanctions against Russia when they did a fake-news killing.
Tuesday, 29 May 2018
Starbucks’s Tall Order: Tackle Systemic Racism in 4 Hours
It's Not Over Yet: What Needs To Happen Next To Legalise Abortion In Ireland
The pervasive issue of implicit racial bias is NOT a Starbucks problem, it is a problem of all of America. Nor is it confined to one race only. I don't know if Starbuck's training can do anything, but it is a start - at least they are showing willing.
Democratic Candidate Who Criticized Israel Faces Charges of Anti-Semitism
Democratic Candidate Who Criticized Israel Faces Charges of Anti-Semitism
The Republicans know that being anti-Israel is not being anti-semite - if only because both sides in Israel/Palestine are semites.
They know, but they don't care: if lying gets you votes, you lie.
They know, but they don't care: if lying gets you votes, you lie.
Belfast has a devolved government and this is a decision for the Northern Irish people, not one to be imposed by the UK. The fact that the Northern Irish Politicians are too incompetent to get their act together is not the UK's fault.
Monday, 28 May 2018
Judge calls for kitchen knives to be blunted amid crime wave
Not just blunted, but dulled. There is no need for a sharp kitchen knife.
You can always bludgeon your steak to death.
(Who IS this idiot.)
Teacher Who Stopped Indiana School Shooter: There Was No Other Choice
The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a basketball.
Great result: no armed teacher, no one dead.
Not just blunted, but dulled. There is no need for a sharp kitchen knife. You can always bludgeon your steak to death.
(Who IS this idiot.)
Teacher Who Stopped Indiana School Shooter: There Was No Other Choice
The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a basketball.
Great result: no armed teacher, no one dead.
Not just blunted, but dulled. There is no need for a sharp kitchen knife. You can always bludgeon your steak to death.
Sunday, 27 May 2018
Almost Half Of Republicans Believe Millions Voted Illegally In The 2016 Election
Yes, but they will believe ANYTHING he says.
If he said the moon was made of green cheese, half the Trumpettes would believe him
Rudy Giuliani admits 'Spygate' is Trump PR tactic against Robert Mueller
I bet half will believe him.
Morgan Freeman 'Devastated' Over Sexual Harassment Allegations
Well he did do compliments and humour without the written consent of women who heard them.
That's grounds to rescind his life-time achievement award right there.
Declining Birth Rates
Yes, but they will believe ANYTHING he says.
If he said the moon was made of green cheese, half the Trumpettes would believe him
Rudy Giuliani admits 'Spygate' is Trump PR tactic against Robert Mueller
I bet half will believe him.
Morgan Freeman 'Devastated' Over Sexual Harassment Allegations
Well he did do compliments and humour without the written consent of women who heard them.
That's grounds to rescind his life-time achievement award right there.
Declining Birth Rates
- Everyone Is Missing A Key Reason The U.S. Birth Rate Is Declining
- In the U.S., women are essentially punished for having kids
- Of course US birth rates are falling – this is a harsh place to have a family
- The US is one of only four countries in the world with no government-subsidized maternity leave while 36% of the workforce are contract laborers with no access to benefits
- A Surprising Reason to Worry About Low Birth Rates
- They’re linked to an increase in populist sentiment
- Declining Birth Rates: Actual Conditions and Causal Factors of Declining Birth Rates
- Re-examining the causal factors of declining birth rates and helping those who want to get married, give birth, and raise children to fulfill their wish to do so
Saturday, 26 May 2018
Sneaky Shoppers 'Use Carrots To Swipe Avocados In Self-Service Scam'
What a sensisble idea. If the supermarkets want to replace people with robots, it makes sense for people to protest. There should be websites set up to foil the supermarkets efforts to combat this until they finaly decide to be human.
I'll wait til the evidence comes in, but it sounds like he did his job to the best of his ability.
Why are you always trying to divide our country? Do you hate Americans so much?
- Can anyone even imagine having Spies placed in a competing campaign, by the people and party in absolute power, for the sole purpose of political advantage and gain? And to think that the party in question, even with the expenditure of far more money, LOST!
- “Everyone knows there was a Spy, and in fact the people who were involved in the Spying are admitting that there was a Spy...Widespread Spying involving multiple people.” Mollie Hemingway, The Federalist Senior Editor But the corrupt Mainstream Media hates this monster story!
Thursday, 24 May 2018

Sadly, I was forced to cancel the Summit Meeting in Singapore with Kim Jong Un.
Smart guns exist. Why aren’t they on the market?
Because then people who profit by selling guns to criminals (felons and gang-bangers) won't make much money. Also because smart guns might allow you to find out who committed a crime.
Labelling Of Genetically Modified Foods Has Strong Support Among CanadiansWe don't CARE about the science. We need GM food to be labelled so that people who do not support science can give it a miss. GM labelling is especially important for climate change deniers, those who oppose vaccines, holocaust deniers and other people who do not believe in science or history.
Donald Trump: NFL players who kneel during national anthem 'shouldn't be in country
What does that draft-dodging sumbitch have to say about who should be in our country.
Theresa May's Support For Anti-LGBT Section 28 Law 'Disgraceful'
Still, the military have been paying the NFL big bucks to play the anthem and do their color guard schtick, so they want everyone's attention on them. You get what you pay for.
Get over yourselves. People who disagree with you are not necessarily homophobic. (Unless you are speaking for god, in which case anyone who disagrees with you is doomed.)
Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Right on, Jermey!
We don't want any one of conscience, we want mouthpieces.
We want people who do what they are told, when they are told.
If you say be anti--semite, we want people who will be anti-semite.
NFL Bans Kneeling During The National AnthemI don't know what you fought for when you were a GI, but I fought for no one being able to tell an American what to do. Maybe patriotism is just another commodity, like the Military paying the NFL to play the national anthem while their coller guard struts it stuff.
Labour Aide Apologises For Saying Theresa May Should Have A Noose Around Her Neck
We want people who do what they are told, when they are told.
If you say be anti--semite, we want people who will be anti-semite.
NFL Bans Kneeling During The National AnthemI don't know what you fought for when you were a GI, but I fought for no one being able to tell an American what to do. Maybe patriotism is just another commodity, like the Military paying the NFL to play the national anthem while their coller guard struts it stuff.
Labour Aide Apologises For Saying Theresa May Should Have A Noose Around Her Neck
It is just part of the new labour party. Lynching, anti-semitism, the whole nine yards
Oxford Uni Retweets Person Calling David Lammy 'Bang Out Of Order' Over Diversity DataDavid Lammy wants onely one thing: David Lammy.
He could care less about what Oxford does to advance BME students. They most likely won't vote for him
Oxford Uni Retweets Person Calling David Lammy 'Bang Out Of Order' Over Diversity DataDavid Lammy wants onely one thing: David Lammy.
He could care less about what Oxford does to advance BME students. They most likely won't vote for him
Tuesday, 22 May 2018
Trump, ZTE, and the Emoluments Clause
I think we simply have to get used to the fact that our current president
is in it for the money. True, it is not
a prime motivation, he likes ratings and power more. He likes the cut and thrust of politics, both
domestic and international , more. But
he doesn’t mind anything that benefits his personal fortune. Indeed, the amount of money he made for all
the deals that Virginia supplies are next to nothing compared to the amount he
made tax cuts.
When Donnie says the US is open for business, he means himself too. I wonder how much of this is simply being
open about something that has been covert in the past. Nearly every senator and congressman I know
has retired or gotten out of politics far richer than when they went in. I may be being cynical, but I did like it
when our representatives at least pretended
to be in it more for us than for them.
The many signs of
flagrant corruption that surround the president demand a
separate probe.
2, 2018 -Indonesia: a local government plans to build a road to shorten
the drive between the main airport on the island of Bali and the new high-end
Trump resort and golf course.
Labour accuses Michael Gove and Nadine Dorries of racism
What a beat up: nothing remotely racist here.
"this amazing woman from an exotic background"
She is American, divorced and a star of the TV screen: if that is not exotic, what is?
“Yasmin, why don’t you just try to be nice? Maybe appreciate just a little the country and the people you have chosen to live, work and benefit from all of your life.”
Are we saying that people should be nasty and ungrateful. I, for one, am tired of the sour indifference by journalists of Alibhai-Brown's ilk.
She is American, divorced and a star of the TV screen: if that is not exotic, what is?
“Yasmin, why don’t you just try to be nice? Maybe appreciate just a little the country and the people you have chosen to live, work and benefit from all of your life.”
Are we saying that people should be nasty and ungrateful. I, for one, am tired of the sour indifference by journalists of Alibhai-Brown's ilk.
PS: Anyone who uses the expression "women of colour" is a racist.
Grammar school education has no positive impact on student’s self-esteem, study finds
Did anyone expect them to? Why?
Trump: "You know why I do it? I do it to discredit you all and demean you all so that when you write negative stories about me, no one will believe you"
Grammar school education has no positive impact on student’s self-esteem, study finds
Did anyone expect them to? Why?
Trump: "You know why I do it? I do it to discredit you all and demean you all so that when you write negative stories about me, no one will believe you"
He is shrewd.
which means replacing terms like "custody" and "access" — terms that have been known to fuel conflict between parents — with "parenting orders" and "parenting time."
Guess what? Within 3 years,"parenting orders" and "parenting time" will be known to fuel conflict between parents. Euphemisms always take on the negative content of the result.
Did anyone expect them to? Why?
Tories Are Too Joyless To Win Younger Votes, Ruth Davidson Tells Conservative MPs
As her pointed finger reveals
John Bercow confesses to 'stupid' remark but stops short of apologising to senior minister
Poor John does not realize that Truth exacerbates the offense.
John Bercow confesses to 'stupid' remark but stops short of apologising to senior minister
Poor John does not realize that Truth exacerbates the offense.
He could apologize: "I'm sorry I called you a stupid woman: I meant to say stupid person."
(Which is what this is really all about)
Poor John does not realize that Truth exacerbates the offense. He could apologize: "I'm sorry I called you a stupid woman: I meant stupid person."
Poor John does not realize that Truth exacerbates the offense. He could apologize: "I'm sorry I called you a stupid woman: I meant stupid person."
(Which is what this is really all about)
Friday, 18 May 2018
Why laws based on these measures, which even gun owners' support, cannot pass is due to the NRA and their ability to buy people in congress.
Support for Gun Violence Prevention Policies Among Gun Owners and Non–Gun
Owners in 2017 The
findings will be published online in the American
Journal of Public Health at 4 P.M. EDT on May 17, 2018.
The policies with the highest overall public
support at, by gun ownership status, included:
background checks (85.3 percent gun
owners, 88.7 percent non-gun owners support),
suspension for gun dealers who cannot account for 20 or more guns in their
inventory (82.1 percent gun owners
, 85.7 percent non-gun owners support),
safety training standards for concealed-carry permit holders (83.0 percent gun owners,
85.3 percent non-gun owners support),
reporting of records related to mental illness for background checks (83.9 percent gun
owners, 83.5 percent non-gun owners support),
prohibitions for people subject to temporary domestic violence restraining orders (76.9 percent gun
owners, 82.3 percent non-gun owners support),
and gun
violence restraining orders, or extreme risk
protection orders or Red Flag laws (74.6 percent gun owners, 80.3
percent non-gun owners support).
Views on gun policy (Pew Research)
Was she acting like a stupid woman at the time? Why were people outraged? If he said stupid man about a male colleague, no one would upset. Is this some kind of sexism that says women and men must be treated differently, with deference to women at all costs?
It is more likely that Hannity and Trump are a direct threat to the American Republic.
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