Saturday, 27 January 2018


Duh.   Name something that doesn't hit poor the hardest, excepting gout.
Toronto Air Pollution Disproportionately Affects Poor, Non-White People
I did like the brilliant English of "air pollution levels in Canada could go kind of in the wrong direction..."
So, people, like, wouldn't think that, you know, you know.

MSU Coaches Izzo And Dantonio Say They Won’t Resign Amid New Sex Abuse Report

Did they do it? Who cares?
They should resign because someone accused them.
It is called guilty-until-proven-innocent, but with no way to prove innocence.

Gavin Williamson 'refuses to answer questions' about 'kiss' with former colleague
He kissed her 10 years ago! That's the same as rape. Crucify him!

Friday, 26 January 2018

Trump imposes 30 percent tariff on solar panel imports
This is clearly just an attempt to forestall the growth of solar power. There is no other reason for it. There are two american manufacture of solar panels. They comprise 10% of the market. One of them is wholly owned by China.

Canadian Couple Forced To Travel To U.S. To Treat Parasitic Worms
Who forced them?

The pope defends a bsishop accused of witnessing abuse. What do his words mean to survivors 
What an absolutely biased piece. The Pope did NOT accuse anyone of lying and to say he did is to mislead your audience. What a hatchet job!
But we are clearly meant to believe that ANYONE accused of a cover up, whether they covered anything up or not, is automatically guilty. No proof is necessary, once someone has been accused

Julian Assange could walk free today after more than five years in Ecuadorian embassy
One standard for traitors and rapists, another for anyone else.
Do the #metoo movement have anything to say?


Mounties Say They Were Sexually Assaulted By Former RCMP Doctor
"...they are survivors of sexual assaults...."
Goodness. So glad that some survived. Did they say how many were killed?

Patrick Brown’s Staff Quit As He Stays To Deny Sexual Misconduct Claims
Once someone is accused, step down.
Innocent until proven guilty does not apply in sexual harassment cases. Makes it very easy to destroy someone's political career on a whim. I think the cry is "believe the women" in all cases.

Kay Burley Called A 'Munchkin' By Ex-US Ambassador Bolton 
He is quite right, but he doesn't understand modern British journalism, where the job is to issue your own opinions regardless of what the interviewee wants to talk about.

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Dreamers Feel Betrayed After Senate Democrats Break Their Promises
Guess what? It is not all about you. Some people are trying to get you a better deal and all you have is criticism?

Labour’s NEC Set To Confirm Trans People Allowed On All-Women Shortlist
All women short lists because women are such delicate flowers that they could not possibly win on their own?

Andrew Rawnsley  21.1.18  The Observer

Democracy is more fragile than many of us realised, but don’t believe that it is doomed

Nothing ages so badly as visions of the future. When the fall of the Berlin Wall was followed by the implosion of the Soviet Union, Francis Fukuyama celebrated by publishing his bestseller, The End of History and the Last Man. The book argued that, with the demise of its main ideological competitor, the world would belong to liberal democracy. He has been much mocked since for failing to foresee that democracy would face the emergence of fresh threats and the resurgence of old foes in new guises in the shape of nationalism, religious extremism, autocratic capitalism, unaccountable tech titans, cyber warfare and even, in the case of North Korea, legacy Stalinism. But fair’s fair. For a while at least, his thesis was true.
The end of the Cold War accelerated what is sometimes referred to as “the third wave” of democratisation in the late 20th century. The peoples of eastern Europe were liberated to choose their own governments. African presidents-for-life were sent into retirement. Much of Latin America, once a grisly tableau of coups, insurgencies, juntas and death squads, embraced the tenets of democracy. India was no longer a shining exception to autocracy in developing Asia, as more of the world’s most populous continent followed the democratic path. By the turn of the century, more than 100 countries could be reasonably classified as democracies, albeit often flawed ones. A hundred years before, you could barely find 10 democracies on the world map. If your definition of democracy includes, as really it ought to, women having the vote, then there was New Zealand by 1900 and some bits of Australia and that was it.

            Democracy won the 20th century. The hubristic mistake was to think that this trend was so powerful that it could not be reversed. The size of that error is illustrated by the latest report from Freedom House, a non-partisan think-tank that conducts an annual audit of global freedom. The fundamentals of democracy, particularly regular and honest elections, a free media, the rule of law and the rights of minorities, are under attack around the world. Last year was the 12th consecutive one in which the number of countries becoming more free were outnumbered by those becoming less so. The report’s authors conclude that “democracy is in crisis”.
            Does the evidence justify this alarming assessment? Some autocratic brutes have been given the boot, among them Robert Mugabe, whose removal at least gives the possibility of a better future for Zimbabwe. Many countries remain robustly democratic. Britons may feel a squeak of patriotic pride that Freedom House awards a high 94 points to our country. You have to be Scandinavian to achieve the maximum 100.
            It is hard, though, to disagree that the big picture is a negative one. From Venezuela to the Philippines, more countries have become less free. And many of those countries that remain democracies are becoming more dysfunctional. The charnel house that is Syria is a daily reminder that the hopes associated with the Arab spring have crumbled into the dust. Tunisia, democracy’s lonely outpost in the Arab world, is now very troubled. Closer to home, there is the slide into autocratic rule in Turkey and creeping authoritarianism in Poland and Hungary, countries that had been presumed to be permanent gains for liberal democracy. The danger here is not so much the old spectre of tanks on the streets. The dismantling of freedom begins with attacks on what some call “the soft guard rails” of democracy: unfettered media, an independent judiciary, a basic level of respect for political opponents. Freedom is not devoured in one gulp, but in a series of bite-size chunks.
            Political scientists are conducting a lively argument about how worried we should be and what has caused this global retreat, but I think we can pick out some clear drivers of what has gone wrong. Start with the democratic victors of the Cold War. Their cohesion and confidence are being corroded by economic pressures, social inequalities, rebellions against the consequences of globalisation and a resurgence of nationalism and regionalism. Populists of left and right have exploited voter anger to gain support and parliamentary seats across Europe. The result is that they have got into power in some places and in others made it harder for mainstream parties to form viable coalitions, as in the Netherlands and Germany. This wave has not yet broken. Ahead of Italy’s elections in March, populists of left and right lead the polls and have cornered two thirds of the electorate.
            Populists have profited at the ballot box by telling voters that democracy is a sham or a scam rigged in favour of outsiders or an elite or both. The populist prescriptions are nearly always snake oil, but their diagnosis has resonance with many voters because the economic discontents are real. It is no coincidence, as the old Marxists liked to say, that western democracy has come under so much stress since the Great Crash of 2008 and the protracted squeeze on living standards that has followed it
            In western countries that previously promoted liberal values, there is what Human Rights Watch calls a “frontal assault on the values of inclusivity, tolerance and respect”. America is mesmerised by Trump. Britain is obsessed with Brexit. Germany struggles to put together a government. All have become fractiously inward looking. This has bloody consequences for the rest of the world, by helping to allow mass atrocities in Myanmar, South Sudan, Syria and Yemen to continue with near impunity.

            The United States has shrunk from its traditional role as exemplar of democracy and global champion of it. America was always extremely imperfect in this role, but its postwar leaders at least paid lip service to the idea that the shining city on the hill should be a beacon of liberty. The Oval Office is occupied by a president who has spent his first year in office trashing democratic norms at home while expressing no sense of responsibility to be an advocate for universal human rights. He has triggered a plunge in international respect for American leadership to a record low. The United States has often in the past been an enabler of undemocratic regimes, but never before has it had a president who expresses so much open admiration for authoritarians in the Kremlin and elsewhere, and so much undisguised contempt for his country’s traditional allies among the other democracies.
            Division and disarray among democracies has encouraged the pursuit of an aggressively anti-freedom agenda by the major autocracies, China and Russia. During the optimism of the third wave, it was presumed that democracy had a world-winning formula. The more prosperous countries became, the more they would want to be free; the more free they were, the more prosperous they would become. The belief that a richer China ought to become a more liberal China is not shared by President Xi Jinping. He is intensifying repression at home and promoting the Chinese model of autocratic capitalism as a superior recipe for stability and prosperity. It was Xi’s recent boast that China is “blazing a trail” for developing countries to emulate. China’s autocrats blaze while the democracies fiddle.
            As is their way, political scientists have seen a disturbing phenomenon and given it geeky labels. Some call it “democratic deconsolidation”. Others go for “democratic recession”. I prefer “recession”, because at least that description implies a seed of hope that this trend does not have to be permanent. Recessions can and usually do come to an end.
            Reading the recent flurry of reports about the endangerment of liberty around the world, you could be driven to the despairing conclusion that democracy is dying. That fatalism would be as large an error as the assumption that democracy would be everywhere and permanently triumphant. Democracy has a lot going for it, not least that it is a better form of government than any other type that the human race has yet managed to design. Millions of South Koreans are not trying to flee to the north. There was something both bizarre and fantastic about watching the White House physician take questions from reporters about the most intimate details of the president’s health on live and global television. They don’t do that in dictatorships.

            Democracy is not doomed. The lesson of the past decade is the subtler one that democracy is more fragile, vulnerable and contingent than many liberals have often complacently supposed. The arc of history is not irreversibly bent in favour of freedom. The case for it has to be renewed and reinvigorated for each generation. The biggest mistake we make about democracy is to take it for granted.

Saturday, 20 January 2018


British longest serving Afghan military interpreter refused right to live in UK
Betrayal of the bravest: Loyal translator is denied sanctuary
Perfidious Albion

My life and career were ruined when I was called out for sexual harassment
What nonsense. He had no position of power to exploit, he simply parlayed celebrity into sexual conquest because that's what some women, who thrive on celebrity, wanted. 
 Unless, of course, you believe that women have no responsibility for their own sexual behavior.)

Obese Passengers Complaint Must Be Re-Examined By Canadian Transportation Agency
Obese passengers should buy another seat, full stop.
Not to do so is rude and an inconvenience other passengers. Learn some manners.

Friday, 19 January 2018

Shields and Brooks on government shutdown blame
I am sick and tired of the Republicans and Democrats putting their party over their country.   Chips, DACA, border security, military funding have all been under debate since the middle of 2017 and NO ONE will do anything about them.
All we hear is “it’s their fault.” We know whose fault it is, congress: it is yours!
Funding our government by continuing resolution is the sign of a dysfunctional congress and a president who could not lead his way out of a paper bag.    The entire congress and the president should be turned out on their ears.

Clergy Abuse Advocates Fear Pope Francis Is Making It Harder For Victims To Speak Up
Of course it does. Unless everyone accused of any involvement is automatically removed from office and sent to prison, whether or not they did anything, then it makes it harder for victims to speak up. Demanding proof of a cover up is just mean: people should be believed when they say ANYONE was involved in a cover up, no matter what

The Fake Feminism Of The #MeToo Backlash
No, the me-too movement is right: women are delicate little flowers whose sexuality is dictated by solely by men. They have no responsibility for anything, except to say that something happened to them when they didn't want it.  Particularly if it happened 20 or 30 years ago.

Quebec Teen Issues Challenge To School's Smartphone Policy
You don't understand modern parenting: kids can do no wrong because they are the only people that matter on the planet.
Anybody who thinks bad manners is rude just doesn't understand that it is ONLY rude if YOU do it.
If I do it, it is perfectly OK.

U.S. Tax Changes Could Be Worse For Canada Than NAFTA Pullout
Gosh! You mean you deliberately had a low tax zone and are upset because others countries will now do what you do? Imagine our chagrin.

Thursday, 18 January 2018


On Aziz Ansari And Sex That Feels Violating Even When It’s Not Criminal
Feels violating but not criminal says to me "why did you go there." 
     Most of this comes from people having sex with people you don't know. If you had gotten to know the guy with 10 or 20 dates, including lunch, dinner, breakfast, sports, friends, and family, then I'll believe you that you were surprised by his behavior. If you didn't, I've got no sympathy. Take some responsibility for your sexual behavior.

The Girl Who Lied About Hijab Attack Deserves An Apology
It is true. Eleven-year-olds are NOT responsible, whether they hacked someone else's hijjab or said someone hacked theirs. We cannot hold children responsible for this kind of hate crime.

Floyd Mayweather gives stunningly ignorant response to #MeToo question
Jeez what a tool. He doesn't follow the media and what they think is important. How dare he?

Sunday, 14 January 2018

I didn't think there was such a thing as consensual sex now?Chelsea Manning files for U.S. Senate run
We already elected one traitor in Donald Trump, what's wrong with another traitor?

Attacker Cut Toronto Girl’s Hijab On Her Way To SchoolCutting off someone's headscarf is assault. Imagine if he had cut a piece of the headscarf of the queen. Of course a headscarf is not a religious object, whether is is called a hijab or not, but anybody is entitled to wear a headscarf if they want to. Headscarfs have been worn in Canada with impunity for at least 300 years. Indeed, longer than that, as Inuit and First Nation people wore them from the get go.

Is this the future of consensual sex?
I didn't think there was such a thing as consensual sex now.
        Be careful with this: you have to say exactly who can do what to whom, or they will say you violated the agreement and you will be done for non-consensual sex.   You don't want a lawyer saying that everything was fine, but the kiss on the left elbow was without permission, as we all know what the #metoo group thinks of kisses without permission.

Labour leader also refuses to rule out supporting second EU referendum.Good for him! We want another chance to get it right, just as Ireland had.

BBC Stars Should Have Their Pay Capped At £150,000, Suggests Culture Secretary 
Assuming that 150k is what a parliamentarian gets, including all office and consitutency costs, mailers, etc than I don't hav a problem with it. Otherwise he will need to up the ante. I think the current tariff is about 250K or more.

I assume that the BBC stars will get the some benefits that parliament get for housing allowance, per diem, bodyguards, etc.

  1. DACA is probably dead because the Democrats don’t really want it, they just want to talk and take desperately needed money away from our Military
  2. What nonsense! Your house and senate can pass a Daca act tomorrow. Nothing to do with the Democrats.
was  wa.

Sunday, 7 January 2018


United Nations Security Council lectures US ambassador Nikki Haley on purpose of UN
“Let there be no doubt whatsoever,” she said, “the United States stands unapologetically with those in Iran who seek freedom for themselves.
Translation, based on experience with the USA, from the holocaust to Prague to Iraq: 
"We won't do anything about this, so you're on your own."

Outcry grows over use of Spanish prison to house migrants
(as-yet unopened prison, acting as a temporary holding centre for migrants)
This is outrageous. Why can't they be housed in 4-star hotels with room service.

Thursday, 4 January 2018


Bannon Claims 'Zero' Chance Trump Didn't Know About 'Treasonous' Russian Meeting
Of course there was collusion: as anyone with the sense god gave a goose already knew.

Labour Party is too white, too middle class and too southern
It's is true. Jeremy Corbyn is too white, too middle class and too southern.
Time to get him out and get a northern, working class black to represent Islington.

Carlini Chef Laura Goodman Quits After Boasting Of ‘Spiking A Vegan’
How dare she insist that someone should eat naturally. 
People are entiled to eat whatever unnatural conglomeration they want.

    1. Many mostly Democrat States refused to hand over data from the 2016 Election to the Commission On Voter Fraud. They fought hard that the Commission not see their records or methods because they know that many people are voting illegally. System is rigged, must go to Voter I.D.
    2. Actually, it is NOT mostly Democratic states, it is Republican as well. We know you want to victimise anyone who didn't vote for you - and we ain't having it
      End of conversation
    1. New conversation
      As Americans, you need identification, sometimes in a very strong and accurate form, for almost everything you do.....except when it comes to the most important thing, VOTING for the people that run your country. Push hard for Voter Identification!
    2. Only if it is free. We don't believe in poll tax, no matter how disguised.

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