Sunday, 13 May 2012


  • Taking credit is typical political shenanigans - the companies should also state that compliance with government regs such as these are one of the things that pushed their admin costs over the limit.
         Still, I do like the idea that companies get penalized for wasting our healthcare insurance money on stuff that has nothing to do with the healthcare of the insured.
  • Outrageous!  Why should graduates be required to know any math?  It's not as if they will ever need a bank account or a credit card or be asked to vote for people who pass budgets and taxes at the local, state or federal level.
  • I notice the media, Fox included, were quick to give out every detail they had - regardless of the damage to our intelligence networks
    OK, Fox, redeem yourself: give us the list of those who knew.


Sir Hugh Orde: Stopping Crime Rates From Rising Is Getting Tougher And Tougher

Sir Hugh Orde: Stopping Crime Rates From Rising Is Getting Tougher And Tougher

Commented 13 May 2012 at 15:46:15 in UK

Police starting salary of 19k - less than the proposed benefit cap. 
What is wrong with this picture?
Teacher Sadia Malik Suspended From Cardiff Primary School Over Islamist Extremist Links

Teacher Sadia Malik Suspended From Cardiff Primary School Over Islamist Extremist Links

Commented 13 May 2012 at 15:33:56 in UK Universities & Education

“Why is that sign not a hate crime?
Barack Obama 2012 Takes Multiple Pages From GOP Playbook

Barack Obama 2012 Takes Multiple Pages From GOP Playbook

Commented 13 May 2012 at 15:23:28 in Politics

Great. Confrontational strategy and attack ads. It promotes anomie and makes America a worse place to live but, if it improves our chance of winning an election, who cares?  Besides, coach, they started it.
Jamie Dimon On Meet The Press: We Were 'Dead Wrong' To Dimiss Trading Concerns

Jamie Dimon : We Were 'Dead Wrong' To Dimiss Trading Concerns

Commented 13 May 2012 at 15:19:06 in Business

But just give us some more quantitative easing and interest free money from the Fed and we'll trade our way out of this hole with some luckier bets. I know a winner is coming, it's just around the corner.
Mitt Romney Gets Testy After Gay Marriage, Immigration, Pot Questions

Mitt Romney Gets Testy After Gay Marriage, Immigration, Pot Questions

Commented 10 May 2012 at 15:54:49 in Politics

“Why won't you talk about what I want to talk about? 
What do you think you are, independent or something?
After all, I'm a politician and what I say helps you sell soap flakes.
Ofsted Chief Sir Michael Wilshaw Tells Teachers: You Don't Know What Stress Is

Ofsted Chief Sir Michael Wilshaw Tells Teachers: You Don't Know What Stress Is

Commented 10 May 2012 at 15:50:47 in UK Universities & Education

Wilshaw: "My stress was bigger than your stress." 
Alternatively: You've got stress? Gosh you're lucky! When I was young we couldn't afford stress.
Obama Same-Sex Marriage Position: Why He Made His Decision

Obama Same-Sex Marriage Position: Why He Made His Decision

Commented 10 May 2012 at 15:43:28 in Politics

“Getting rid of the man-woman thing seems to be moving well, so now it is time to go after the "one" bit. Why should people who wish to marry more than one other person be discriminated against?”

Thursday, 10 May 2012


  • I like your argument: when Dumbocrats are in power job creation suffers and when Retroblicans are in power, the fear of Dumbocrats getting power back makes job creation suffer.   In short, job creation always suffers and it is always the other guy's fault.  When does job creation take off?  Dunno - but when it does it will be because our guys are in or about to get in.
  • I think the church should be able to decide who the students at a university can listen to - regardless of the student's religion.  If two Muslim groups asked the university to stop a Christian speaker because her views disagreed with Islam, no one would object, would they? 

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