Thursday, 28 April 2011
Gosh, This guy is so proud that he got a state to bend its laws so they could release a copy of a document that adds nothing to another document they released a few years ago. If that is all he has to occupy his mind, I feel sorry for him. If 20% of republican voters like him, I feel sorry for us.
True. It is not nice to snigger at the intellectually disabled. It may even be politically incorrect.
Yes, the Bush government sold a lot of military weapons to Latin America, knowing that corrupt regimes would pass some on the the drug cartels, and I don't see much change under Obama.
It is unfair for the government to compete directly with tax-paying American gun stores who have had their market share cut.
How dare the police arrest thieves when a wedding is due to happen?
What were they thinking?
1) Big government interfering in people lives: e.g. pregancy, marriage, etc.
2) People arguing for tax cuts in time of war - seems unpatriotic.
3) Corporate welfare, from the Bush bank bailouts to agricultural and oil industry subsidies.
Given the mandate, rebels who endanger civilians should fear NATO as much as Gadaffi's troops.
Absolutely: if I discover one of your genes, I should be able to patent it and you should have to pay me royalties if you want to use it to cure yourself.
Oh great, first the Americans cannot run a presidential election without going to court three times, now we need to litigate every order that is given in a war?
Wednesday, 27 April 2011

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Some government overseer is to blame, not the hauler who lied, not the boss who didn't check, not the owner who did not abide by the law, not the journalists who did not report the kind of things that were happening in this yard and others like it.
Nope, the blame should fall solely on the government (Labour at the time) for not doing enough inspections.”
School districts say "you take him" "No, you take him" and everyone works as hard as they can to avoid any responsibility.
How dare he tell the truth!? Amazing that Mr Murray rose to this high a level without understanding that telling the truth in public is pure poison.
Worse, I understand that his company made correct investment decisions. Think how much more we would respect this company if they had gone short on wheat and lost billions.