Tuesday, 20 September 2022

Abolishing the monarchy is an important step towards building a fairer society

So we shouldn't respect anyone who is dead, whether elected, appointed or hereditary. If Truss or Starmer were to die, there should not be any fuss. We should just move on?  How would that make Britain fairer?
     PS: Britain already has democracy, The monarchy is about tradition.
     PPS: Andrew did not get the full protection of the British state and to say he did is a lie.

Leicester mayor says city’s religious communities ‘baffled’ by violent clashes
It isn't baffling, it is about "legal but harmful" content on social media.  
Does that mean we WANT censorship.   Does it mean we want private enterprise to censor us?

Saturday, 17 September 2022

Migrants sent to VP’s residence from Texas for second time this week
If these people are legitimate asylum seekers, they should have been handled in the normal legal way. 
If they are NOT legitimate asylum seekers, why didn't Texas deport them? 
This is a manufactured crisis to get some sleazy politician elected.

It is time to put the Kohinoor diamond back where it belongs
Interesting quesstion: where DOES it belong?  Should it go to back to the Bhadrakali Temple in Warangal, or did you just want the government of India to steal it. 
(Still, at least your piece ends up with a nice racist rant about people of colour being offended by people of no colour.)

Thursday, 15 September 2022

Professor who wished Queen ‘excruciating death’ stands by criticism despite backlash

Yes, she likes to teach. She likes to teach hatred. It is a very popular subject these days.         We do hope Dr Anya death is not agonizing, regardless of her hatred for others.

     She rails about "the monarch who supervised a government that sponsored the genocide that massacred and displaced half my family and the consequences of which those alive today are still trying to overcome." When did Elisabeth II do this?

We need to have a very awkward conversation about the monarchy

Yes we should put it to a vote. We should put everything to a vote, including whether our country should be renamed No-So-Great Britain.

Princess Anne’s Influence, and Workload, Rises in a Slimmed-Down Royal Family
She is NOT Priccess Anne, she is Anne, the Princess Royal.  Get your facts straight NYT

California man admits threatening Merriam-Webster over definitions of ‘woman’ and ‘girl’
Some people find absolutely everything offensive and want to kill anyone who doesn't agree,

Wednesday, 14 September 2022

Why King Charles will pay zero inheritance tax on the Queen’s private fortune
Of course he won't; he doesn't benefit from it. Crown revenue is the Crown's, and not for any individual. That is like saying Liz Truss and her Chancellor should pay tax on the Treasury revenues..

Woman travels 1,400 miles from Louisiana to New York to get abortion for foetus with no skull
Because Louisianans think that babies SHOULD suffer, as should their mothers. 
Just another example of the war on women,

The Queen’s death has unleashed a torrent of racist abuse

Food banks closed, funerals postponed, cancer scans cancelled – ‘national mourning’ is too much
Even those who deeply mourn the loss of the Queen can surely see the hypocrisy and irony of the situation
Absolutely! There is NO NEED for mourning and anybody who thinks there is is a racist/.

The backlash against Halle Bailey’s Little Mermaid is as silly as it is predictable
Absolutely! It is like they recruited a white guy to play Nelson Mandela

Tuesday, 13 September 2022


Decarbonising global energy system will save ‘at least’ $12 trillion by 2050
Idea that going green is expensive is ‘just wrong’, Oxford research team says

Why King Charles will pay zero inheritance tax on the Queen’s private fortune
Of course he won't; he doesn't benefit from it. Crown revenue is the Crown's, and not for any individual.    That is like saying the Li Truss and her Chancellor should pay tax on the Treasury revenues.

Monday, 12 September 2022

My Family Fought the British Empire. I Reject Its Myths.
Yes we see. It is why you live in Britain. But the Queen's death is not actually about you. 

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