Thursday, 24 February 2022
Yes, Romney was right and Yes, Trump is a traitor and is in Putin's pocket.
Jerry Lewis accused of sexual assault and harassment by former co-starsGood for them and for Vanity Fair. They will get publicity and 15 minutes of fame because they know that YOU CANNOT LIBEL THE DEAD.
HOME ABORTIONS GET SIX-MONTH EXTENSION - BUT ‘SCRAPPED’ IN AUGUSTOf course they have to visit a clinic, how else can the clinics profit.
Thursday, 17 February 2022
Rush Limbaugh – 5 lessons he left us on how to handle the left1. Remember that American patriots are your enemy
2. Reject the premise that they are Americans
3. Use the power of being white
4. Have no fear: we know that this is hard, since we on the right are afraid of everything
Wednesday, 16 February 2022
Pastor Resigns After Incorrectly Performing Thousands of BaptismsWhat an absolutely silly decision to re-baptize all of the children whose pastor said "we."
Does it mean that those people who died before this controversy came out will all have gone to hell.
After Sexual Harassment Lawsuit, Critics Attack Harvard’s Release of Therapy RecordsHarvard said that it would not seek such documents without the consent of the patient, but that any documents it acquired would be shared with both sides during an investigation.
That is outrageous. One side should hide details from the other side, to make sure the female is believed. Because no woman has ever lied.
Prince Andrew’s post-settlement statement about Virginia Giuffre is different to what he said before"In a way, Prince Andrew has already been punished..."
Yep, Not bad for someone who didn't do anything except live a rich and privileged life.
Still, Guiffre is unlike to admit to being a money grubbing liar in a settlement.
Tuesday, 15 February 2022
Most Americans don’t want Trump to run in 2024So what? They legislators do what their donors say, not what the people want.
Are death threats against Keir Starmer really a big deal, Richard Madeley asksNo. It is just normal political discourse. The Taliban do it the same way.
Monday, 14 February 2022
NFL was 'aware' Eminem was going to kneel during halftime performance, rep saysThat is because we lived in America where lots of my bothers in arms died so that we could have free speech. That means you can stand up, sit down, lie down or do a hand-stand whenever you darn well feel like it.
Sunday, 13 February 2022
Clinton campaign paid to 'infiltrate' Trump Tower, White House servers to link Trump to Russia
Good for them. Sadly, it didn't work because Trump either ate the evidence or flushed it down the toilet. Did the corrupt Durham investigation point out that the Steele dossier was republican funded?
Wave off Vancouver Island in 2020 was 'once-in-a-millennium' event, scientists sayThese once-in-a-millennium events happen about every 10 years now.
GOP candidate films Super Bowl ad showing him shooting at DemsWell, shooting your opponents is just simple normal political discourse.
That's the way jihadists always do things.
Senator Rand Paul says he’s ‘all for’ American truckers blockading the Super BowlYes, Rand Paul really does want the super bowl to fail. Why? He doesn't know: he just does.
He just likes inciting violence,
Wednesday, 9 February 2022
Plan to Remove Feral Cattle From National Forest in New Mexico Raises ConcernsBut fear that the plan involves shooting them from a helicopter has led to sharp opposition
Of curse there is opposition. We make more money by herding them, selling them and then killing them.
Biden says he has 'no idea' why many Americans doubt his mental fitnessBecause FOX, ONN and Breitbart and a whole slew of people keep on with this fake news.
They want to cast doubt on his competence so their inept guy (Trump) doesn't look so bad.
DeSantis slams Big Tech and media for 'whitewashing' the 'genocide OlympicsIt is so nice to criticise people who do things you don't understand.
But I am sure DeSantis is sincere when he said he would run away. It is what Trump did.
Meta might shut down Instagram – and I’d be devastated. Wouldn’t you?No.
Tuesday, 8 February 2022
Three women sue Harvard for allegedly ignoring sexual harassment by professor
Absolutely, The University should act like the police force.
Why didn't they accuse the Boston policer force? (They report it, didn't they?) Ahh, no deep pockets.
Boris Johnson is dominating US news and damaging Britain’s global reputationSo what? Boris doesn't care.
UK's reputation is nothing to him, he only cares about himself.
Fox News viewership demolishes CNN, MSNBC combined for 25th straight weekGosh!
Fox News is watched by 0.73 percent of the American population. They must be really proud.
As compared to the networks (ABC, NBC and CBS) who have six (6) times the viewership.
Monday, 7 February 2022
When the Storming of the Capitol Becomes ‘Legitimate Political Discourse’Did we always think that beating a police officer with the American flag was just normal political discourse.
Pelosi spent over $500K on private jetsHypocrisy is not bound political party, so it is odd that this litany includes NO Republicans. Does Fox have any idea how much Republicans spent? (Probably not, that might upset their base and, besides, it would take work.)
Incidentally, how many private jets are own by Fox News and their correspondents? How many helicopters are owned by Fox News? How much carbon emissions do they contribute?
13 US states side with Mexican government in lawsuit against gun manufacturersAh, but gun manufacturers pay the US Congress and Senate for the for the privilege of exporting their wares. These 13 states are making just enough noise so they won't be considered guilty, but not enough to change the policy, Best of both worlds.
Saturday, 5 February 2022
Oklahoma bill would fine teachers $10k for teaching anything that contradicts religion
Under Senator Rob Standridge’s Students’ Religious Belief Protection Act subjects like LGBT+ issues, evolution and the big bang theory, even birth control could be off the table You can't teach about alcohol, because that might make Muslims uncomfortable, you can't teach about pork, because that might make Jews uncomfortable, you can't teach about having your haircut, because that might make Sihks uncomfortable, you can't teach about the reformation, because that might make Catholics feel uncomfortable, you can't teach about the Pope, because that might make protestant uncomfortable.
What can you teach? Well, really, not much at all.
The truth about Jeff Zucker’s CNN resignation isn’t what conservatives want you to believeWhat did he do wrong? He lied about something trivial, which makes one wonder what else he lied about. As f0r the affair itself. neither party did anything wrong.
Hs resignation had nothing to do with office romances.
Thursday, 3 February 2022
Jeff Zucker: CNN boss resigns after admitting relationship with colleagueWhat did he do wrong? Why is this a resigning matter.
What is wrong with a consensual affair with a colleague if 20 years?
US Army will begin discharging Covid-19 vaccine refusers ‘effective immediately’Good for them. I certainly don't want people in my unit who don't follow orders.
US has killed Isis leader al-Qurayshi, Joe Biden announcesWhy do these guys always provide themselves with human shields?
Wednesday, 2 February 2022
Whoopi Goldberg suspended from 'The View' following Holocaust remarksWhoopi Goldberg suspended from ‘The View’ for Holocaust commentsMost holocausts are about race. Cambodia, Ruanda, Americans, etc.
Apparently, Whoopi doesn't realize that the slavs, communists, gays and disabled people killed were of a different race to the NAZIs. But then, according to some people, everything is about race

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