Biden’s chief of staff, retweets column calling 2021 not ‘all bad’ Of course it is an ‘overhyped narrative’, but that is what the mainstream media like FOX do. Still, nice opinion piece by Edmund DeMarche. It is not news, but a great example of an over-hyped narrative.
# posted by Had It in Holland Park @ 07:29 0 Comments
The former employee says the company hides behind flat offices and metrics to shirk its responsibility. In other words, she would run Facebook differently.
Why doesn't she start her own company, to show us how it is done.
Or is she having too much fun with her 15 minutes of fame.
# posted by Had It in Holland Park @ 06:24 0 Comments
Tuesday, 14 December 2021
Tucker Carlson: This is the definition of a manufactured threat Anybody who has ever been in the military: how many vaccines did you refuse? If you want to stand up for your country, you will be vaccinated. If you do not care what happens to America, then don't. It just boils down to how many people you want to kill.
No problem with asylum seekers who enter legally. Those who enter illegally will not make good citizens: they have already indicated that they will only follow laws that don't inconvenience them.
# posted by Had It in Holland Park @ 06:09 0 Comments
He can't suck up to him the way that Trump did, so what is left? Might have to bluster, which would be a change from the abject kow-towing and apologizing of the last administration.
They, and others like them, are turning the Republican party evil: mad, bad and dangerous to know.
Bush Sr, Ford, Reagan and Eisenhower would be turning in their graves. Even Bob Dole would be aghast. Of course there is always Ilhan Omar and AOC to balance the scales.
There was nothing great about this debate. Criticism is far easier than creating stories, which is why there are so few creations. Judging a new piece is more difficult than judging a remake and these critics have to have something easy to write about. That is why remakes get such attention.
Best was "The Jets are stereotyped, too,” but white teens are not harmed by such stereotype.
There we go: victim culture at its worst. White kids can't be harmed by anything, but people of colour are harmed by everything.
Abortion: The Voice of the Ambivalent Majority Will a having a miscarriage be a crime in some states? Will they say "she should have taken better care of herself." Will women be incarcerated after 15 weeks to prevent a miscarriage?
She said the ruling is a victory “for anyone who has ever felt scared to stand up for what’s right” and has lots of rich lawyers to fight for them. If not, tough.
"it will goad the authorities responsible to pay more attention to women’s safety. " and "putting violence against women on a par with terrorism or organised crime" Do you think violence ONLY happens to women? Violence against men should not be considered terrorism or organized crime or even a goad to the authorities to pay more attention to men's safety?
Do you think misandry should be a hate crime?
Arizona State University students protest ‘killer’ Kyle Rittenhouse as possible student Unless these students were at the trial, heard all of the evidence and know why the jury decided as they did, they clearly think they are above the jury system and legal precedence in America. These student think the law does not apply to them. Entitled brats.
# posted by Had It in Holland Park @ 05:30 0 Comments
Wednesday, 1 December 2021
‘There is no safe space for me to be myself’: The British Muslim women I can buy that "those who appear visibly Muslim, such as women who wear the hijab or niqab, are likely to be targeted." Why do you suppose they target themselves like that? Are they saying "I would rather be visibly Muslim than be safe."
You've heard of "Disgusted, Tunbridge Wells"? Well, I live in Holland Park and I've Had It. Up to here! An old curmudgeon, I rant and rave about things I read, see or hear in the News. Frequently sarcastic, irreverent and libertarian; often wrong - but never uncertain.