Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Will You Leave the Country if Trump Is Re-Elected?

Who won the presidential debate?
Next debate, when a candidate has two minute to speak, turn the other guy's microphone off.

MPs vote to approve Internal Market Bill, despite admission that bill defies international law
Perfidious Albion, as usual. This is old hat. Why would anyone trust anything that governments say. They will just go back on their word when it suits them. Not gentlefolk.

Tuesday, 29 September 2020


Malta calls for return of shark tooth gifted to Prince George by Sir David Attenborough

They could buy one for under $50, but they just want to disappoint a child.  Get a life!

Says it all

Thursday, 24 September 2020


Trump Says Tightening Covid-19 Vaccine Guidelines ‘Sounds Like a Political Move’

Yep. Trump insures that politics will dictate what the FDA does about vaccines, ensuring that only moves designed to get him re-elected will be tolerated. Anything that helps America will have to be vetted as to whether it gets Trump re-elected. If it does not, it will have to take second fiddle.

Brexit: Police to stop lorries without permits entering Kent in new 'internal border'
So the London congestion charge is an "Internal Border." Hmmm, did not know that.

Lulu Wang Critiques Choice Of Ron Howard As Director Of Film On Chinese Pianist Lang Lang
Absolutely! Only a Chinese person should be involved in directing a story about a Chinese, only a Black should be direct a story about Blacks and only a Whites should direct a story about Whites. Anything else is racism, like having someone who is not White directing a Shakespeare play.

How To Have A Conversation With A Covid-Denier
I know! And the same thing with Benefits-of-GM-Foods deniers or Climate Change deniers.

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

‘Telling us how to run our country’: Trump echoes racist attack on the Squad
I could find nothing racist in his statements reported here.  
He may be a racist, but this story did not tell us anything about his racism.

Vladimir Putin Thinks He Can Get Away With Anything
Why has the poisoning of Alexei Navalny been met with Western silence?
Because he has Donnie Trump on his side and westerners don't want the US against them.

Misogyny should be made a hate crime to protect women, Law Commission says
But misandry is ok, right?

‘I’ve Lost 37 Friends To Coronavirus – And 36 Were Black’
If I said I lost 33 friends to corona virus and 32 of them were White, what would you say?

Saturday, 19 September 2020

For McConnell, Ginsburg’s Death Prompts Stark Turnabout From 2016 Stance
The majority leader pledged President Trump’s nominee to replace Justice Ginsburg would receive a Senate vote, despite his 2016 move to block President Obama’s nominee in the waning months of his term.
There is a powerful smell of hypocrisy here.

Muslim Teen Disqualified From Volleyball Match Because Of Her Hijab
What is the big deal. A hijab does not give the wearer any advantage, so why would anyone object.
       However, the following statement is just wrong "...they felt forced to choose between their faith and their passion for sports." There is nothing in Islam that mandates a hijab, so what faith are they talking about? Actually, they are forced to choose between peer pressure and sports - or worse, a fashion statement and sports.

Friday, 18 September 2020

I’m a Muslim and Arab American. Will I Ever Be an Equal Citizen?
The Chinese bore it for generations, the Jews bore it for generations, the Irish bore it for generations. 
What makes you so special?

FBI Director Confirms Russia Is Currently Meddling In The 2020 Election
I take it that this Trump-appointed lawyer has been turned and is now part of the deep state.
But it is alright. They are interfering on behalf of the incumbent, which is one of the perks of the position.
If Russia was interfering in the election on behalf of the Democrats, there would be hell to pay.

J.K. Rowling And The Necessity Of Critiquing Transphobic Tropes

"Numerous studies have debunked this seeming danger as an overblown and overwrought myth..."

Numerous studies (define numerous) funded by whom and at what institutions?

Still, if JK Rawlings disagrees with me, then her books should be banned. Banning books is a great strategy, as any authoritarian regime will tell you.

Thursday, 17 September 2020

William Barr Wildly Compares Coronavirus Safety Measures To Slavery
He could be right. After all, slavery was just a system that ran for 6 thousand years and left everyone it touched feeling unfairly abused and without hope, but the lock-down is a temporary inconvenience of a year or two. It modern speak, it is what happens to me now that matters and to heck with the other guy.

Deal Reached in N.J. for ‘Millionaires Tax’ to Address Fiscal Crisis
Yes, unpatriotic millionaires may leave the state. Patriots will remain.

Senior Law Officer Quits Over Boris Johnson’s Plan To Break International Law
It is just perfidious Albion as usual. We break our word whenever we feel like it.. Anybody that does a deal with us better be prepared for us to renege.   
Why is he so upset that we will break international law. We do it all the time, whenever it suits us. In Britain, signing a contract is the beginning of negotiation.

Dominic Cummings 'Set Bad Example' For Locked Down North-East, Tory MP Says
Did I understand correctly? Barnard's Castle is the only place where the testing is going well?

Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Harry Potter Star Robbie Coltrane Defends JK Rowling In Trans Row
Too easily offended? I take offense at that.
Beside, if JK Rawlings does not agree with me, her books should be banned.

Trump says he didn't downplay coronavirus but 'up-played it' despite Woodward tape revelations
Well, either he lied to the American people or he lied to Woodward.  Which do you think it is?

San Francisco To Give $1,000 Per Month To Pregnant Black And Pacific Islander Women
Sounds racist to me, then I realized it was only 150 women. However, if it goes statewide, it better be means-tested and it better include people of all colours. Actually, if they wanted to do a study with all colours, which would have told us a whole lot more, they would have to increase the sample size to 1000 to get 150 black mothers by proportion of population. Perhaps getting 7 times the money was just not do-able.

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

J.K. Rowling’s New Book Is Reportedly About A Man Who Wears Dresses To Murder Women
If a male serial killer wears dresses, it is not nice to comment on it.
That would be sexist. It has nothing to do with profiling him, right?

Women hit by state pension age rise lose Court of Appeal case
Good. No sexism. All people are equall and should be treated as such.

'Shrunken heads' to be removed from Oxford museum over racism concerns
The museum said the famous shrunken heads depicted other cultures as ‘primitive’ and ‘savage’.
NO! Really,. Did people really think those who took human trophies for display were savage?
How dare they!

Trump Campaign Uses Russian Fighter Jets In 9/11 'Support Our Troops' Ad
Ya wouldn't bloody read about it.

Monday, 14 September 2020

Off with the heads: Pitt Rivers Museum removes human remains from display
This will address how exhibiting human remains has “reinforced racist and stereotypical thinking” of other cultures, portraying them as “savage, primitive or gruesome”, said the museum’s director, Dr Laura Van Broekhoven.
     What absolute balderdash!  If you are racist or live in a racist time, you will see this as breeding “reinforced racist and stereotypical thinking”.   If you are not racist or don't live in a racist time, you will not see it that way.  A display is a display and, unless there are racist and stereotypic signs and signals, a display is not racist.

Justice Secretary Robert Buckland Suggests He Could Quit If UK Breaks Law Over Brexit
I think it unlikely that ANY minister in this government will resign over principle, but he should relax: Boris had his fingers crossed when he signed the Withdrawal Agreement.

Jake Tapper Abruptly Ends Interview With Trump Aide: 'Just Answer The Question'
NAVARRO: You can’t say that. I answered the question repeatedly. You just didn’t like the answer.
Navaro was ABSOLUTELY right! Tapper didn't like the answer he had preconceived in his mind: it didn't fit the story he wanted to tell. That is modern journalism: the interviewee is irrelevant, the interviewer's opinions are what counts.

In Visiting a Charred California, Trump Confronts a Scientific Reality He Denies
A president who has mocked climate change and pushed policies that accelerate it is set to be briefed on the scorched earth and ash-filled skies that experts say are the predictable result.
'Nuff said

Sunday, 13 September 2020

Why Does Trump Want an Inaccurate Census?
Most of the uncounted people are non-white and Democrats (if they vote at all). It's an election year and Trump focuses on what gives him power today. The next ten years don't matter: that is the nature of a transactional president.

‘Cuties’ Sparks a Firestorm, Again, After Its Netflix Release
Several members of Congress have weighed in on the award-winning film, including to call for its removal from Netflix or a Justice Department investigation.   
Of course, none of them have actually seen it. 
This row is similar to the Muslim reaction to "The Satanic Verses," which some people regarded as stupid and barbaric. Perhaps that now describes our congress.

Much TV Is Made Through A White Gaze. That Has To Change, The BBC Must Lead The Way
Well, she is right. Blacks are about 5% of our population, so the BBC should employ 5% blacks. People of colour are about 15% of our population, so the BBC should employ 15% BAME.  And 15% of TV should be made though a BAME gaze.   The BBC reported target of 20% may be excessive.

MPs Call For Inquiry Into BBC After 'Institutional Racism' Allegations
Please tell me which institution are NOT"institutionally racist."
I can't think of one, and that includes Black Lives Matter

President says he is ‘probably entitled’ to third term
"President For Life Donnie Trump said today that....."  
That will be the headline of ALL newspapers and the lead story on ALL broadcasts from now on.

Friday, 11 September 2020

What It Actually Means If The Government Breaks International Law
It is just perfidious Albion, as usual.

The 'Rule Of Six' Is Just Another Excuse To Over-Police Young BAME People
Do you think there should be one law for BAME and another one for the people of no colour.
What provision would you write in such a law.

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Republicans Defend Trump After He Admitted Downplaying True Threat Of COVID-19
Defending the indefensible. He refused to do his job and now he wants to rationalize the "why" of refusing to do his job. His cult members see nothing wrong with that. Their Führer can do no wrong. He said he could get away with murdering someone in the street and, low and behold, he did. Lots of us

I Don’t Want To Scare People’: Trump Again Defends Downplaying COVID-19
Isn’t it nice to have Big Government in Washington keep you in the dark about whether the corona virus is a threat “because they don’t want you to panic.”  Trumpty-Dumpty treats America like mushrooms.

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Don’t Blame Young People For Rising Covid Cases. We Are Only Doing What We’re Told
No. It is clearly the over 65s who are the reason for the rise..Those and the under 16s.

Justice Dept. Intervenes to Help Trump in E. Jean Carroll Defamation Lawsuit
Yes. It is clear that he denied ever knowing her in his official capacity as President of the United States, despite a photo of them together in 1987 when he wasn't even a candidate. And the alleged rape took place in 1995: ditto.   Still, it does mean that the tax payer must fund his defence in this private matter, which is all he cares about.

Monday, 7 September 2020


 Is Racism an Inherent Human Trait 

When someone describes themselves as White or Asian or African-American, they are being racist: defining themselves on the basis of race. (Merriam Webster defines “Racism” as a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities.)

Racism, research, and the human condition” says: to hold the belief that one’s own race is superior, one needs to believe
1. that there is something such as a race.
2. that most people of one race are very similar to others in that race, more than they share similarities with people of other races.
3. that our differences define us and not that our common humanity shapes us.
4. that there are objective criteria by which one can judge races
5. and that such judging is actually a legitimate activity.

Most human attitudes and behaviour have a genetic and an environmental component. This is also true for our fear of others who are different to us — xenophobia — and intolerance of their viewpoints — bigotry. Hardwired into the brain’s amygdala region is a fear reflex that is primed by encounters with the unfamiliar. 


In premodern times, the argument goes, it made sense to be fearful of other groups. They might be violent, steal our resources, or introduce new diseases we are not adapted to. Conversely, it was beneficial to trust those who look similar to us — they are more likely to be related. And when we help these kin, our own genes are more likely to be passed to future generations.  It makes a certain kind of sense.


On the other hand, hunter-gatherer societies (as close as we can get to pre-modern humans) do not generally behave with this kind of hostility towards other groups. They don’t tend to see other tribes in their vicinity as competitors for the same food sources and try to subjugate them or restrict their access to resources. Different groups interact with each other a lot, regularly visiting each other, making marriage alliances, and sometimes switching members.

An alternative view is that racism (or at least xenophobia) does not have a genetic or evolutionary basis, but is primarily a psychological trait — more specifically, a psychological defence mechanism generated by feelings of insecurity and anxiety. When people are given reminders of their own mortality, they respond to by becoming more prone to status-seeking, materialism, greed, prejudice, and aggression. 


It also satisfies a basic human need to have quick answers and stable knowledge that people rely on to make sense of the world. People who are prejudiced feel a much stronger need to make quick and firm judgments and decisions in order to reduce ambiguity. 

In short, racism is group-think:

1.    People may have a desire to affiliate themselves with a group in order to strengthen their sense of identity and find a sense of belonging. 

2.    To further strengthen their sense of identity, members of a group may develop hostile feelings toward other groups. This is a natural occurring human trait: Henri Tajfel (Cognitive Aspects of Prejudice) found that even people who were assigned to group at random (and knew that they were assigned at random), still exhibit favouritism towards their own group and prejudice toward the other.

3.    Members of a group can withdraw empathy from members of other groups, limiting their concern and compassion to their fellows. They may act benevolently towards members of their own group, but be cruel and heartless to anyone outside it. 

4.    Members of a group can homogenize individuals belonging to other groups, meaning that people are no longer perceived in terms of their individual personalities or behaviour, but in terms of generalized prejudices and assumptions about the group as a whole. 

5.    Members of a group may also project their own psychological flaws and their own personal failings onto another group, as a strategy of avoiding responsibility and blame. Other groups become scapegoats, and consequently are liable to punished and demonized.

Still, according to a study in Israel, it is something that comes at very young age. (Are we born racist? A new Israeli study has some surprising answers).  The roots of racism and discrimination toward those who are different from us is innate, and thus present in children and even infants, as early as 14 months/

 As a practical example, this is like Trump describing all demonstrators as “rioters” or Black Lives Matter describing the police as “racist”.  

It is also true of politicians and pundits who describe “liberals” or “conservatives” with all kinds of apocryphal feelings they have never even dreamed of having.

 Are We All Racists Deep Inside?” (Scientific American), the author took the Implicit Association Test and found that: “Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for White people over Black people and, he points out, most Black people got similar scores.“  His response: not to believe the results.

I’d like to see that test conducted with “Liberal” and “Conservative” as the topic.

Saturday, 5 September 2020

Fox News Confirms The Atlantic’s Report on Trump’s Soldier Comments
Now Trump wants this journalist fired. That is his idea of a free press. 
He doesn’t appear to think much of America’s constitutional right to freedom of speech.

Boris Johnson Defends Tony Abbott Amid Sexism And Homophobia Row
But he is ACCUSED of being homophobic and sexist, which means that he is guilty and therefore should not get a job anywhere and should no no joy.   

Friday, 4 September 2020

Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’
Trump Angrily Denies Report He Called Fallen Soldiers ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’
We know that Trump, despite his denials, called my bothers in arms "losers" and "suckers".
And as for McCain, I quote him: "He’s not a war hero,” Trump said in 2015 of McCain. “I like people who weren’t captured.” Would you like to see the tape?
Mr Bones Spurs has long scorned those who served in Vietnam as being too dumb to have gotten out of it, and we also know what he think of Gold Star Mothers

5 Fibs You Were Told This Week By Politicians
Donald Trump this week said an investigation is under way into a how a plane load of armed “thugs” made their way to the Republican Party convention with the sole purpose of “doing big damage”.
But it’s not clear who is conducting the investigation as there is no evidence the event actually took place, and the government agencies that would be responsible for looking into it have no idea what he’s talking about.

University Investigates Claim That White Professor Pretended to Be Black
Please define "black" and "white" for me.
Is a person with 1 parent "white" and 1 parent "black" a "black".
Is a person with 1 great grandparent "black" and 7 great grandparents "white" a "black"
Is a person with 1 "black" ancestor and 1023 "white" ancestors a "black"
If not, where do you draw the line?

Tuesday, 1 September 2020


Surviving On £7 A Day: ‘How The Benefits Cap Is Penalising Single Parents Like Me’
I don't understand the benefits cap: why shouldn't people get more money for not working than the people who pay taxes to give them that money?

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