Thursday, 30 August 2018


Alex Salmond resigns from SNP after sexual misconduct claims
Well of course he should have been suspended or resign. He was accused, which makes him guilty under the #metoo rules.
And he is crowd funding for his legal costs, which is outrageous: if he can't be convicted just because he didn't do it, he should at least be ruined.

Labour NEC’sWillsman Urges Members To ‘Defend Corbyn’ Against Anti-Semitism ‘Smears"
Why do Jews want Corbyn out, no matter what?
Do they think that, given Corbyn is out, labour has a real chance of winning the next election?

FBI contradicts Trump's claim about Hillary Clinton's emails being hacked by China
'The FBI has not found any evidence the servers were compromised,' agency says in a statement.
But that is just because they don;t get their news for the Daily Caller or WND

For whatever reason, there are people out there who don't like Donnie Trump. They should be arrested.

Australia Plans to Deny Chelsea Manning an Entry Visa, Citing ‘Criminal Record’
Good for them!  Treason has consequences.

Wednesday, 29 August 2018


"... all agencies work for the president.  none of them are elected.  none of them work for we the people other than the PR in their mission statements."
Yes, you are right 
Sadly, some of us thought that these people worked for America.
Many presidents and civil servants tried to convince us that this was the case.
Donnie Trump makes it crystal clear: they work for him and him alone (including his for companies), and to hell with the American people.  

    1. New Poll - A majority of Americans think that John Brennan and James Comey should have their Security Clearances Revoked. Not surprised!
    2. We also think your family should have theirs revoked as well.
      End of conversation
    1. New conversation
      Report just out: “China hacked Hillary Clinton’s private Email Server.” Are they sure it wasn’t Russia (just kidding!)? What are the odds that the FBI and DOJ are right on top of this? Actually, a very big story. Much classified information
    2. What are you doing about it? You don't know whether it was China or Russia? Are you so cut off from the US intelligence community or do you just not trust anything you are told?

Tuesday, 28 August 2018


The N.F.L. Stiff-Armed Trump. Now He Is Heckling From the White House.
What is a team owner to do under pressure from the president of the United States?
Well those veterans among us know that we fought for the right, as Americans, to sit, stand, kneel or do whatever we want to do regardless of what big government in Washington wants us to. Tell the president to mind his own business. (He's already demonstrated that he can't run a football club.)

C.I.A. Officer-Turned-Candidate Says PAC Obtained Her Security Application
Of course Trumpettes are always for our boys and girls in blue unless they are from a different party.  
In that case, they say 'Fuck America and everything she stands for: we want to win."

  1. Google search results for “Trump News” shows only the viewing/reporting of Fake New Media. In other words, they have it RIGGED, for me & others, so that almost all stories & news is BAD. Fake CNN is prominent. Republican/Conservative & Fair Media is shut out. Illegal? 96% of results on “Trump News” are from National Left-Wing Media, very dangerous. Google & others are suppressing voices of Conservatives and hiding information and news that is good. They are controlling what we can & cannot see. This is a very serious situation-will be addressed.
  2. How can they do this! We want censorship now! Only good things should be said about the Trump presidency and we should arrest anyone who says anything bad about him. Let's get advice from Kim Jung Un and Erdogan as to how to do this.

Just A Reminder: Let's Not Give Alleged Sexual Harassers A Comeback Narrative
On no! He masturbated!  How many of these women called for psychiatric help for this guy, who is clearly looney tunes? 
None? Why was that?

Sunday, 26 August 2018

Cuts to migrant projects fuel local tensions, warns report
Can these people do NOTHING for themselves?

Omarosa says she is ready to testify in impeachment trial
Omarosa Manigault Newman, a former White House aide, had added to the spectre of impeachment against Donald Trump by saying she is "fully willing and ready" to testify in congress against him. “I have the truth on my side as well as a hundred emails and documents and other things,” she told Yahoo News. This is difficult, as we don't believe her OR him.

  1. I have asked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo not to go to North Korea, at this time, because I feel we are not making sufficient progress with respect to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula...
  1. Big story out that the FBI ignored tens of thousands of Crooked Hillary Emails, many of which are REALLY BAD. Also gave false election info. I feel sure that we will soon be getting to the bottom of all of this corruption. At some point I may have to get involved!
  2. Lying felon Donnie Trump wants to get involved with the FBI. He should get his own house in order and draw up a defence for his admitted felonies. PS: Give us your taxes! What do you have to hide?
    1. . “Every President deserves an Attorney General they have confidence in. I believe every President has a right to their Cabinet, these are not lifetime appointments. You serve at the pleasure of the President!
    2. The American people have no confidence in the lying felon Donnie Trump, so we will have NO confidence in anyone he picks to replace Sessions.

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