Rank discrimination. No one should be asked what religion they are or who they diddle. Will they be asked to prove it, say with a youtube video?
Pretty typical of our care for our veterans - if we could put the people down too, we would. Instead we just let them go jobless, homeless or top themselves.
Here's the thing: what would happen to this guy if he had posted a video of his roommate kissing a girl.
To treat him any differently in these two cases is pure discrimination based on sexual orientation.
It would be nice if there was a way to lower gas prices but, sadly, no one has proposed a way to do it - neither repiblican or democrat. Instead, republicans whine about pipelines and drilling (which will do nothing to lower gas prices) and democrats whine about international markets (basically saying we are helpless). Meanwhile, war mongers on both sides talk up a potential military onflict with Iran, thus driving oil prices higher.
More drilling and pipelines are a good idea to create jobs, but if you think they will do anything to lower gas prices, you know nothing about economics or the oil industry.
Catch the culprits, hang them, wrap them in pigskin, bury them
Yep. That's the rich for you. They'll take everything they can get from the government.
How much did Len say that Unite would be donating to Remploy to help it continue?
Make the GI Bill payments to all schools contingent on graduation and getting a job. Let's measure education by outcomes, not inputs.
"Generally speaking, there could be severe adverse medical complications involved in abruptly terminating ongoing hormone therapy," she said, adding that such complications would cost even more money to treat.
Oh no! You mean ICE is trying to save the taxpayer money? How dare they?
Gov. Chris Christie Calls Veteran An 'Idiot' In Shouting Match
Commented Mar 12, 2012 at 17:44:00 in Politics
Passion does not excuse boorish behavior and refusing to allow your interlocutor to speak is simple thuggery.