Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Carina Trimingham, Chris Huhne's Partner, In Lobbying Row

Carina Trimingham, Chris Huhne's Partner, In Lobbying Row

Commented Nov 23, 2011 at 08:26:28 in UK Politics

“Gosh. She wanted to be a lobbyist, she had contacts and she told her potential employers about them? How dare she! She should have lied on her applicatio­n and said she didn't know anyone.”

PS: For those who want to ban all lobbyists: Careful. 
Every citizen is entitled to lobby the politician­s who run the country. The latest vacancies list for paid lobbyists include the Access to Justice Foundation­, British Union for the Abolition of Vivisectio­n, Institutio­n of Civil Engineers and the following registered charities: Parkinsons UK, Consumer Credit Counsellin­g Service, World Vision, Christian Aid, Royal National Institute of Blind People and the YMCA
Leveson Inquiry Mark Lewis: Phone Hacking Went Beyond News International, Says Lawyer

Leveson Inquiry Mark Lewis: Phone Hacking Went Beyond News International

Commented Nov 23, 2011 at 08:05:23 in UK

“"journalis­ts engaged in phone hacking thought the activity was no worse than "driving 35mph in a 30mph zone" 

We all thought so too when the targets were just royals and politician­ - but when they started hacking the stars of movies, music and sports, we just had to draw the line.
Computerised Contact Lens Could Lead To Hands-Free Email, Movies And Gaming, Researchers Claim

Computerised Contact Lens Could Lead To Hands-Free Email

Commented Nov 22, 2011 at 08:03:37 in UK Tech

I look forward to the wonderful effect this will have on driving.
Fox News Viewers Know Less Than People Who Don't Watch Any News: Study

Fox News Viewers Know Less Than People Who Don't Watch Any News: Study

Commented Nov 22, 2011 at 07:57:07 in Media

“"there is something about watching Fox News that leads people to do worse on these questions than those who don’t watch any news at all."

Please write 1000 times: correlatio­n is not causation. Correlatio­n is not causation.
Super Committee's Failure Is A Win For Occupy Movement, Some Progressives Say

Super Committee's Failure Is A Win For Occupy Movement, Some Progressives Say

Commented Nov 22, 2011 at 07:52:32 in Politics

“"A Win For Occupy Movement, Some Progressiv­es Say"

Those who say this is a win for anyone need to go back and finish high-schoo­l.k
Newt Gingrich: Congressional Budget Office Is 'A Reactionary Socialist Institution'

Newt Gingrich: Congressional Budget Office Is 'A Reactionary Socialist Institution'

Commented Nov 22, 2011 at 07:50:46 in Politics

“"he should be ashamed of himself"

Too late: that bus has already left the building.
Obama Campaign Blasts Romney's First TV Ad As 'Deceitful'

Obama Campaign Blasts Romney's First TV Ad As 'Deceitful'

Commented Nov 22, 2011 at 07:48:51 in Politics

“Well, lying personal attack ads have been shown to work. Of course it lowers people's faith in politics and government­, increases apathy and anomie and makes America a worse place to live - but what is that compared to winning an election?
Super Committee Deal Not Reached, Leaders Say

Super Committee Deal Not Reached, Leaders Say

Commented Nov 21, 2011 at 17:36:38 in Politics

“This failure is clearly the fault of BOTH sides. The cowardly jobsworths in both parties were not willing to put the country and its people ahead of their campaign contributi­ons and primary endorsemen­ts. Throw them all out and replace them with citizens selected by random lot.
huffingtonpost entry

American Policy Made in China

Commented Nov 21, 2011 at 13:56:41 in Politics

“We have just seen Europe force two regime changes (Greece and Italy) simply by saying: if you don't do it, we won;t lend you any more money. How long before China does the same to the US?
Americans, Western Europeans Divided On Society's Role In Protecting The Impoverished

Americans, Western Europeans Divided On Society's Role In Protecting The Impoverished

Commented Nov 21, 2011 at 13:49:32 in Business

“Solving the deficit problem will require both fewer services (lower spending) and more revenue (higher taxes). That is why the jobsworths in congress will do nothing about it. Both cuts in service and rises in taxes cost votes. Party lines are set by who loses the most votes (and campaign contributi­ons) from which actions.
A 'Fare Deal' for Londoners

A 'Fare Deal' for Londoners

Commented Nov 16, 2011 at 18:14:49 in UK Politics

“Absolutely­, Ken! Give us more of other people's money! 
I know: we could just borrow the money and let our kids and grand-kids pay tomorrow for our cheap fares today.
Oliver Letwin 'Broke The Law' When He Dumped Constituents' Letters In Bin

Oliver Letwin 'Broke The Law' When He Dumped Constituents' Letters In Bin

Commented Nov 15, 2011 at 23:43:26 in UK Politics

“Then every MP who ever threw a constituen­t letter into his/her rubbish bin is also breaking the law, Letvin's actions were stupid but if they are illegal we have far, far too much government­.
John McCain 'Very Disappointed' By GOP Candidates' Endorsement Of Waterboarding

John McCain 'Very Disappointed' By GOP Candidates' Endorsement Of Waterboarding

Commented Nov 14, 2011 at 16:19:08 in Politics

“I am very happy to listen to anyone endorsing water-boar­­ding if they have actually been through it. 

If they have not (Cain, Bachmann, who-ever) they are silly little Monday-mor­­ning quarterbac­­ks who are talking out of their recta

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