Oh NO! Lenders should actually test whether the borrowers can pay the money back? How will we get another bubble with these kinds of policies in place?
Well, yeah. There should be no honours for anyone who was with an energy company when the global price of natural gas went up, much less for someone who got shareholders extra value for a mismanaged and dying British company.
Well all of these folks at the public NHS trough seem to have done well, even at 34% private industry wages did not even come close to that kind of increase.
Well, that's a good thing. Using sexist quotas to change an imbalance is just plain wrong. It would be like putting male quotas for primary school teachers or nurses.
Of course they do, They would like the next election to kill the Libs stone dead. Then they could get back to proper posturing: we will make your life wonderful while the other side will bring disaster on your head. With a third party always in coalition, they might have to actually do something the country wants done.
"Calculated and concerted" is a charge of conspiracy - but,as the conspirators seem to be "researchers across the world" the media and "some doctors," it sounds like mere hyperbole in a competing-unions spat. Why are you reporting it as news?
Putin foresees dire consequences for those who try to interfere with the judiciary and thinks that thieves should be in prison. He best be careful; he might get what he wish for.
How selfish - ordering a designer baby when there are so many starving for a home and some affection, not to mention just plain starving.
Yeah, we all want green things to happen, as long as they don't happen in our neighborhood. And we do not want any environmentally unfriendly packaging on other people's stuff, just on ours.
We have known for a long time that, with enough inputs, almost anyone can be turned around. We're just not willing to pay for it.
OK, as long as there is no nepotism.
Well, there really is no point in having elections, is there.
Just measure the shape of the electorate's brains and then appoint the appropriate party.
'Give It Back For Jobs' Helps Affluent Return Tax Cuts
Commented Dec 31, 2010 at 07:25:50 in Impact